Review the Amazon case study (Chapter 7 of your textbook). Conduct your own research. Discuss the impact of any two of Amazons disruptive innovations on (1) its competitors (2) society in general.
- Please review Chapters 6 & 7 of your textbook.
- Please submit your initial posting by 23:59 EST Day 3 (Wednesday) of Week 4 and comment on the post of at least two classmates by 23:59 EST Day 7 (Sunday) of Week 4.
- The initial and subsequent postings have to be submitted on or prior to the time and date that it is due, unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor.
- Your initial posting must address the discussion questions and must be of approximately 500 words (it is recommended that you type your initial posting in a separate document and then copy / paste it into Canvas).
- You will not see the posts of your classmates until you have made your initial posting, hence the earlier you make your initial posting, the more opportunity you have to be an active participant on the discussion forum.
- Any external work that you refer to must be cited using the .