Protection from Cybercrime
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read all of the required resources for this week. Review the instructions below and research a minimum of five additional articles in the UAGC Library that were published within the last 10 years to help support your statements. Be sure to include a reference list for your articles at the end of your post in APA format as outline by the UAGC Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
Cybersecurity is not only an issue for governments and large corporations, it also impacts us as individuals. From a criminal justice professional perspective, provide a professional opinion about the issues related to security and protection from cybercrime.
From a personal perspective, address the following.
Required Resources
Finklea, K. & Theohary, C. A. (2015). Cybercrime: Conceptual issues for congress and U.S. Law Enforcement (Links to an external site.). Congressional Research Service. Retrieved from https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R42547.pdf
- This article provides a comprehensive overview about issues for congress and national law enforcement to consider in the security and protection of cybercrime.
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Kelly, B. B. (2012). Investing in a centralized cybersecurity infrastructure: Why “hacktivism” can and should influence cybersecurity reform (Links to an external site.). Boston University Law Review, 92(5), 1663-1711.
- The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the EBSCOhost database in the UAGC Library. This article provides a comprehensive overview and analysis about the need for cybersecurity reform.
Lohr, S. (2010, January 17). Companies fight endless war against computer attacks (Links to an external site.). New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com
- This article explores how Google and other companies are attempting to prevent and respond to cyber-attacks.
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Macmanus, S. A., Caruson, K., & McPhee, B. D. (2013). Cybersecurity at the local government level: Balancing demands for transparency and privacy rights (Links to an external site.). Journal of Urban Affairs, 35(4), 451-470. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9906.2012.00640.x
- The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the EBSCOhost database in the UAGC Library. This article examines what is needed to better balance privacy protection and transparency in cybersecurity policy making.
Verini, J. (2010, November 10). The great cyberheist (Links to an external site.). New York Times Magazine. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com
- This article provides a real-world example of one criminal’s cybercrimes and the aftermath.
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Recommended Resource
MSCJ Professional Sources (Links to an external site.). (http://ashford-mscj.weebly.com/)
- This resource site will provide assistance in researching additional sources for the assessments within this course.
- Describe the data you currently have that you consider important.
- Explain a minimum of two techniques you currently utilize to protect your valuable data from being a target of cyber crime.
- Describe what you could do to better protect yourself from cyber crime.
From a professional, evidence-based perspective, address the following.
- Explain the basic legal rights of individuals and companies who are affected by cyber crime.
- Explain the ways in which questions about cybersecurity are out of your hands. (In other words, what can’t you do to protect yourself?)
- Analyze the risks inherent to corporations that cannot be controlled or limited through any protective actions.