Write up a list of all the statuses you currently occupy and then address the following questions:

How many of the statuses on your list are ascribed?

How many of them are achieved?

What statuses on your list, if any, would not have made your list a year ago? Five years ago?

Which of the statuses on your list is most prestigious? Least prestigious?

Can you identify and describe any status inconsistencies on your list?

Finally, of all the statuses on your list, which one would you identify as your master status? Why?

respons no.1


Of all the statues I currently occupy, I would suggest that the vast majority of them are achieved. Now when I say that it sounds slightly conceited, like I am attributing my current position solely to the level of effort I have exhibited over the years. While I cannot directly argue against that, I would offer that once we reach a certain point in our lives, our identity and status for that matter are almost entirely dependent on our level of engagement and effort.

As I understand it, a persons status or statuses refer to that individuals position relative to others within society. Due to this, we all have social statuses which are either ascribed (issued) to us or achieved though varying levels of effort as we grow and evolve. While most of the ascribed statuses which I was given at birth are still accurate, such as my race and sex, as an example, the social class which I was born into has shifted over the years because of both my actions and the actions of my parents. So, I would waiver between attributing the social class or socioeconomic class for that matter to either my early childhood development, which I largely just existed in, or my current state which has resulted largely from sweat equity and varying levels of effort throughout my more recent past. This to me is an exceptionally grey area where I could go either way. 

I would offer, however, that if I had made a list five years ago, many of my statuses would still show up today. While I believe industriousness and enthusiasm shape our status more than other factors, I have largely just grown within the areas I was introduced to and evolved in, and I have built upon those statuses as a result.

Although I am still a little unsure of the prestige concept as it relates to status, I would offer that my status as a Marine would be considered prestigious within many societies. As for my master status, I would consider the title and position of college student as my most definable status within society today. Being a student in our country comes with its own set of parameters and defining characteristics which influence societies opinions and interactions with this specific group. Since master status also refers to the identity or role which is most responsible for shaping ones outward appearance and social identity, I would suggest being a veteran influences my position in society just as much as being a student has.

respons no.2


I currently occupy a multitude if statuses and yet at the same time I dont know any as I am still developing into the person I am going to be. I am a student, daughter, sister, volleyball player, retail associate, friend, most valuable player, babysitter, tutor, cousin, niece, piano player, knife throwert, etc. All of the statuses that are given by relations are atributed as I obviously didnt decide to become a sister or a daughter. I was also ascribed student as I am currently in highschool and havent had the choice of being a student and have only been forced to go my entire life so far. I have a decent amount of statuses that I have achieved but I am unsure of the exact number. My most valuable player award was definitely an achievement that I am proud of.  Being a piano player was originally ascribed to me as I started at age 5 but I made the decision to continue on my own without lessons teaching myself a vast number of songs and so I have now reclaimed my title as a piano player and gave it to myself instead of it being given to me. The status of being a tutor and babysitter would not have been on my list a year ago as I had never done either until I got a job as a tutor and would occasionally babysit as well. I would also not have put retail associate on my list even a month ago as I have just gotten a new job working at a volleyball athletics store. All three of these statuses are new to my list and I am proud that they are there. Babysitting and tutoring was my first unofficial job and now working at a new volleyball store is my first official job. A status that would not be on my list five years ago would be most valuable player. I received that about two and a half years ago and I am incredibly proud of it knowing that I worked hard to earn that title. I also added about two years ago the title of knife thrower. I wanted to learn how to throw knives and so my mom and dad were able to buy me some practice knives where I practiced constantly and learned how to throw them. As of today, I can hit almost any target and it is an incredibly exciting and fun hobby to do. My most valuable player achievement is probably my most prestigious status as it was an award for hard work whereas I would say daughter, sister, niece, cousin, etc, is least prestigious as I didnt do anything to earn the title. On my list I dont think I have any that are super inconsistent except maybe an indoor volleyball player in specific. I havent been able to play indoors this whole year and this was my last season so technically I am no longer an indoor volleyball player since I dont play nor have a team. I would identify my master status to being an extremely reliable and overall good friend. I work hard to maintain and enjoy all of my friendships making sure both me and my friend feel supported. I pride myself most on my kindness towards others and welcoming nature.


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