Topic of this Week’s discussion is…
- National Differences in Political Economy
- Political Economy and Economic Development
Online Discussion Guidelines
Complete as much of the assigned reading as you can before posting your primary responses each week. In general, strive to post as early as possible each week to better support robust online discussions. If you habitually wait until the last minute to engage in discussions, you WILL lose points!
- 2 Post Minimum – A primary post and a thoughtful response to at least one of your peers is required.
- Professionalism -Meaningless agreement is NOT acceptable. Be polite, but do help your peers to see the position from another angle as needed. Ask for clarification when your peers are not clear, and offer additional insights or clarity where you can.
- Quality NOT Quantity – Write concise yet thorough responses in all postings. The discussions can include comments on the topics of week or reflections on videos which I will post to Canvas. You may also use current news information to connect with the topics of the week. Reference the text or relevant (and reputable) outside articles to better support your position, and cite in APA. A class discussion requires each contributor to build on what has already been said and add something new to the discussion. Simply repeating earlier comments or agreeing with the professor or another student is not a contribution. You need to add new facts, new issues, or new perspectives to the discussion. To get full credit in the discussions you are expected to post an original comments and also respond to one comment for an approximate total of less than 250 words for each post/comment. The comments you make should be interesting and informative. Just briefly agreeing or disagreeing without any commentary is insufficient. Waiting until the last minute to post a comment without engaging in the discussion will result in a lower scor