You will earn points for your initial discussion post, as well as your responses. If you do not provide an initial post and responses, you cannot earn full credit. Refer to the Discussion Rubric on how points are earned. INITAL POST DUE ON TUESDAY!
Review the case study and respond to the statement below.
Case Study: A client had an SVD (spontaneous vaginal delivery) today. The labor and delivery nurse gives you a shift report and notes the client is RH Negative and her infant is RH Positive.
Discuss the drug Rho GAM (immune globulin), including:
- Route
- Nursing Implications
- Indications for Use
- Contraindications for Use
Use davis advantage for maternal -child nursing care book (3rd ed.). and Davis’s drug guide for nurses (17th ed.) for these discussion post. with the reference below
Scannell, M.J., & Ruggiero, K. (2022). Davis advantage for maternal-child nursing care (3rd ed.). F.A. Davis.
Vallerand, A., & Sanoski, C. (2021). Davis’s drug guide for nurses (17th ed.). F.A. Davis.