Please provide at least 150-word response to each student response below. Be sure to research/cite/reference sources in each discussion.
1st Post:
The dissertation I used has the same topic I would like to use “A Case Study on Full-Time Faculty Perceptions of Classroom Assessment” (Pottinger, 2021).
The literature review consisted of the following topics: “Introduction and Background, Gaps in the Literature, Theoretical Frameworks, Assessment, Method, Instrumentation, and Summary” (Pottinger, 2021, p. ix). The introduction included the purpose of the study which was to determine faculty perceptions of assessment, building on current assessment models, and the development of best practice assessment in online courses (Pottinger, 2021). The background information included the difference between formative and summative assessment (Pottinger, 2021). The researcher also indicated the desire to learn faculty perceptions of knowledge and use of formative assessment (Pottinger, 2021). Finally, the background included the correlation between formative assessment and teaching/learning (Pottinger, 2021). I consider the detailed introduction and background strong strengths of this literature review (Roberts & Hyatt, 2019). I agree with Pottinger (2021) that it is important to set up the literature review by restating the purpose and providing a strong background on assessment. I also hope to add information linking assessment to program/institutional accreditation and, therefore, the importance in conjunction with institutional effectiveness and the strategic plan of the university. Gaps in the literature revealed a lack of perceptions from faculty particularly those teaching the course (Pottinger, 2021). I’m not sure if I will include the specific assessment models since they may not be relevant to the population I select, whereas Pottinger’s sample used the Classroom Assessment Techniques model of assessment—CATs (Pottinger, 2021).
Theories used in the study are Expectancy-Value Theory, Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Transformational Reflection Theory, and Transactional Distance theory (Pottinger, 2021). Another strength of the dissertation was the pyramid of hierarchy used to visually depict the amount of use of the theories and the importance of the theories in terms of assessment, teaching, and learning (Pottinger, 2021).
The only weakness I can identify is the lack of information on the evolution of faculty roles and the possible reason why faculty may not be driving assessment in their respective institutions (Middaugh, 2010).
2nd Post:
The dissertation selected is from Warner (2019) on the corporate learner and asynchronous online learning. The literature review section for this dissertation is presented via the textbook checklist:
- Yes, the review is comprehensive.
- Yes, there is one primary and six secondary variables that are addressed.
- Yes, the doctoral student has a balanced review of the citations combining key points with critical analysis.
- Yes, Chapter 1 had key definitions, historical foundations, and research questions which segued logically into Chapter 2 literature review.
- Yes, the review expanded on the variables, audience, and concepts.
- Yes, between the first two chapters there is a good coverage of historical and current methodologies and theories.
- Yes, the review used credible sources that were properly cited.
- No, each section of the review built on the previous without presenting opposing views.
- Yes, summaries and subsections are well structured.
- Yes, primary sources are well represented.
- No, minimal to no quotations are used. Paraphrasing and critical analysis used.
- No, primary sources that complement each other are presented separately.
- Yes, it is well written and is not just a catalog of sources.
The University that the doctoral student was in uses a similar format as Aspen University or the textbook (Roberts & Hyatt, 2018).
3rd Post:
When writing the literature review, the dissertation student develops the review in a manner writing what journalists/authors have disclosed concerning a chosen topic. The dissertation student writes what is known about the topic in a manner to intrigue the reader. One of the goals requires writing carefully revealing points such as a bridge of the introduction chapter to the literature review. When reviewing a literature review, the dissertation student takes the opportunity to assess for common writing problems.
For an example, the author of a massive topic and literature review will lose the reader/audience if the reading becomes easily disorganized. Zacharzuk-Marciano, 2017 provided mass information in the literature. The use of an employ table could have organized the mass literature. The use of subheadings could have supported the organization of information in the literature review for the reader. Zacharzuk-Marciano, 2017 provided headings with seldom use of subheadings. Overall, the literature provided a thorough synopsis of the problem with key focus points. With the literature review being massive, the author should be careful not to string together the works cited and control the amount of literature reviewed by avoiding including enormous pieces of literature read.
4th Post:
For many writers, the literature review procedure might be a difficult undertaking. It necessitates extensive investigation, planning, and critical thought. Unfortunately, many writers struggle with common writing problems that can make the process even more difficult. One of the most common writing problems in the literature review process is the lack of a clear focus. Writers often struggle to narrow down their topic and develop a clear thesis statement. Without a clear focus, the literature review can become unfocused and disorganized. Writers should take the time to brainstorm and develop a clear focus for their literature review before beginning the research process.
Another common writing problem is the lack of organization. Writers often struggle to organize their research and ideas into a cohesive structure. Without a clear organizational structure, the literature review can become confusing and difficult to follow. Writers should take the time to create an outline and organize their research into a logical structure. A third common writing problem is the lack of critical thinking. Writers often struggle to analyze and evaluate the research they have gathered. Without critical thinking, the literature review can become a summary of the research rather than an analysis of the research. Writers should take the time to think critically about the research and draw meaningful conclusions.
Finally, writers often struggle with the lack of adequate citations. Without proper citations, the literature review can become plagiarized, and the writer can be accused of academic dishonesty. All sources utilized in the literature review should be correctly cited, therefore writers should take their time. In general, many writers find the process of conducting a literature review to be challenging. However, by taking the time to address these common writing problems, writers can ensure that their literature review is well-written and effective.