Please note: draft submissions do not need to be formatted in APA style; HOWEVER, please DOUBLE SPACE your submissions and you must CITE your references by including first author last name and year the article was published at the end of your sentences. Below is an example of this:

Children’s emotional barriers to self-disclose information pose significant challenges in forensic contexts when a disclosure of abuse is essential to the progression of a case (Cleveland et al., 2018).

Sample reference included in the reference list that corresponds to the above written citation:

Cleveland, Kyndra C., Quas, Jodi A., Lyon, Thomas D. (2018). The effects of implicit encouragement and the putative confession on childrens memory reports. Child Abuse & Neglect, 80, 113122.

***Please DO NOT directly quote from your articles!!!!! Summarize information in your own words!

(A) IntroductionAn introduction for this type of assignment should tell the reader what your topic is and provide some rationale for why he or she should care about it. You might also want to provide some brief information about what is known about your general topic. Lastly, you should end this section with a statement about what is to come for example, what the focus of your research is, and what hypotheses you have.The Introduction section should be at minimum 2 pages long. The Introduction section of your paper should include:oAn opening to the topic/area of the research question, broadlyoA review of the relevant research (summarizing and integrating selected references)oA brief description of the gap in the literature that provides rationale for the research proposal oA statement of the research question and specific hypothesis(-ese)oA brief comment on how the findings from the research study would fill the gap in the literatureTip: Start broad (i.e., what are you talking about?) and then become narrower as your approach your specific research question.
Questions to help you develop your Introduction:Are there any well-documented findings that might be a good way to introduce your topic? Again, you can incorporate citations from your reviewed articles, the textbook, or other articles not reviewed in depth.What is the topic of your paper? What are you goals in writing this paper? Can you give the reader a brief roadmap for the rest of your paper?Tip: When summarizing conclusions there are certain elements of the article that should be included. Here are some tips on this issue:1)    Elements of the article that you should consider including in a summaryParticipant characteristics (e.g., age, grade, race/ethnicity, gender)Sample sizeWhere the participants were from and how they were recruitedWhat participants did as part of the studySignificant findingsStudy conclusionsLimitations of the study, if any are listed2)    Elements of the article to include ONLY if a noteworthy strength or limitation, or a unique aspect compared to other studiesWhat specific measures were administered (i.e., the names of the measures)Sample items from each measureEvidence of reliability or validity of measuresWhat statistical test was usedParameter estimates (i.e., what the specific correlation or regression coefficient was)Significance levels (i.e., what the specific p-values were)The time frame of the study (i.e., the first and last dates of recruitment)3)    Elements of the article that are NOT recommended to include in a summaryTitle of the articleJournal the article was published inThe authors first namesInformation from the article introduction (e.g., how the authors introduced their topic, what other studies were reviewed)There are several ways to be successful in summarizing the methods, key findings, and conclusions of peer-reviewed articles. For example, you could organize your summary thematically, with sub- sections including articles that address different questions (e.g., the prevalence of disorder X, the predictors of disorder X), different methodologies (e.g., studies that included surveys, studies that used experiments). You could also do a study-by-study approach in which you summarize each of your articles one-by-one.However, what I do NOT want you to do is to write about each study one-by-one without any attention to how they are connected to one another!


Do women abuse alcohol more than men? Introduction only
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