Dropbox for Chapter 3 Textbook Response
Week Three: Supporting Democratic and Ethical Schools, March 4
APPENDIX A: https://www.mediafire.com/file/brc8kv4lnkm108u/Textbook+Response+Rubric-2.docx/file
CHAPTER 3: https://www.mediafire.com/file/l6ad80z7drz9qyi/Chapter+Three+PowerPoint+Presentation.pptx/file
Read Chapter 3, “Supporting Democratic and Ethical School.”
- Preview the PowerPoint Presentation that accompanies this chapter and is included in this week’s module.
- Complete the following textbook response from Case Study 3.1 “Beyond Feathers and Fluff: Teaching about American Indians in the Early Grades” (pp. 63-65):
- Are there any ethical dilemmas in this case study? If so, what are the specific dilemmas?
- How might the principal best respond to the parents’ concerns?
- As a member of the leadership team at your school, how would you resolve this situation, taking into consideration, Standard 2 (Ethical Leadership) and Standard 3 (Effective educational leaders strive for equity of educational opportunity and culturally responsive practices to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.)?
- Refer to Appendix A for rubric to assist you in preparing this assignment.
Dropbox for Chapter 3 Textbook Response Week Three: Supporting Democratic and Ethical Schools, March 4 APPENDIX A: https://www.mediafire.com/file/brc8kv4lnkm108u/Textbook+Response+Rubric-2.docx/file