Each Texas citizen has One Texas State House and  one Texas State Senate member to represent him/her/them/xem. Use this website to find your representatives. The “Who Represents Me” section allows you to put in your address and locate your State House and State Senate member. 

Click on the link below and go to: “Who Represents Me?” Enter your address and find your State House and State Senate representatives. Then click on their names to go to their webpages to learn about them, and craft your paper around the following information:

Click Here: Elected Officials Directory

Legislative Reference Library of Texas: Preview of the 88th Legislature

1. To start First write down your street address and zip code, then answer the questions below. (To verify the accuracy of your results, this information must be provided as part of your written assignment.) Please use complete sentences and avoid using bullet points. (17 Points)

  • Your street address and zip code?
  • What is your  State House district number?
  • Who represents this district and which party she/he/they/xe is affiliated with?Click here: Texas State House Members
  • How long has your  State  house member served in congress?
  • On what committees does your State House Representative serve?Click Here: Legislative Reference Library |Committees|Committee Search
  • What bills did your legislator Author/Sponsor in the last legislative session? Name one with number and caption, and identify your legislator’s areas of interest (e.g., education, transportation, etc.)Click Here: Bills by Report

For example, you must start with your street address: I live in——————————————-. Based on my street address and zip code my state house district is——-and it is represented by Republican/Democrat incumbent—————–. He/she has been serving this district since————He/she is affiliated with the Republican/Democratic party

His/her committee assignments are—————————– 

He/she has Authored/Sponsored HB (HB stands for House Bill. You must type in the bill’s number followed by its caption)

For example: My State House Representative—————– has Authored/Sponsored HB——: A bill to ——————————–

His/her areas of interest are—————————-

  • What is your  State Senate district number?
  • Who represents this district and which party she/he/they/xe is affiliated with?Click Here: Members of the Texas Senate
  • How long has your  State  Senate member served in congress?
  • On what committees does your State Senate Representative serve?Click Here: Legislative Reference Library |Committees|Committee Search
  • What bills did your legislator Author/Sponsor in the last legislative session? Name one with number and caption, and identify your legislator’s areas of interest (e.g., education, transportation, etc.)Click Here: Bills by Report

For example, you must start with your district number: My state Senate district is——-and it is represented by Republican/Democrat incumbent—————–. He/she has been serving this district since————He/she is affiliated with the Republican/Democratic party

His/her committee assignments are—————————– 

He/she has Authored/Sponsored SB (SB stands for Senate Bill. You must type in the bill’s number followed by its caption)

For example: My State Senate Representative—————– has Authored/Sponsored SB——: A bill to ——————————–

His/her areas of interest are—————————-

2. Find out the results of November 8th Mid Term elections (Your  State House and State Senate Districts Only). After clicking on the link below, you must enter your street address in the box to find out your districts’ results.  (16 Points)

To begin, name the Democratic /Republican nominees who won the November election, and will represent your State House and State Senate Districts in January 2023 for the next two & four years respectively. 

After clicking the link below, find out who won your  State House and State Senate Districts and answer the following questions. 

Click Here: State House & State Senate November Elections

  1. Name the candidates running against each other: For example, in November, Republican nominee incumbent  Y run against Democrat nominee X
  2. Was the nominee an incumbent (currently holding office) or a challenger (running for the first time for this public office)? For example, Candidate X was the incumbent; Candidate Y was the challenger
  3. What was the total number of the votes cast for each candidate? For example, Candidate X| 177121+                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Candidate Y |119097= 296,218
  4. What was the percentage of votes that was cast for each nominee? For example, Candidate X: 59.8%; Candidate Y: 40.2%
  5. Who won the election? For example, Candidate X

3.  Every ten years after the census, state legislators must redraw the lines. As a result, after the redrawing of the district lines your district may or may not change. (17 Points)

(for more information click on this link Click Here: Public Mapping Project/What is Redistricting? ) 

Using the link below  check your district’s maps: New district map (2020-2030 ) and compare it with the Old district map (2010-2020)  (State House &State Senate Districts Only).

After clicking on the link below, enter your street address in the box labeled “Enter Your Address”. Then answer the following questions.

Click here. Texas Redistricting Map

Your data should be presented in a table and be accompanied by a narrative explanation of your findings.

Table Example: 

State House District number(Old Map) 

State House District number(New Map) 

 % White Alone Voters 

 %White Alone Voters (-/+%) 

 %Hispanic Voters 

% Hispanic Voters (-/+%) 

%Black Alone Voters 

% Black Alone Voters (-/+%) 

%Asian Alone Voters 

% Asian Alone Voters (-/+%) 

State Senate District number(Old Map) 

State Senate District number(New Map) 

 % White Alone Voters 

 %White Alone Voters (-/+%) 

 %Hispanic Voters 

% Hispanic Voters (-/+%) 

%Black Alone Voters 

% Black Alone Voters (-/+%) 

%Asian Alone Voters 

% Asian Alone Voters (-/+%) 

State House District:

  1. Did your district’s number change?
  2. Comparing the two districts’ maps, were there any changes demographically?

the White voter population previously was ———% and in the new district’s map is ——— percent which is -/+ % more/less/no change  compared to the old district map.

Hispanic voter population previously was ———% and in the new district’s map is ——— percent which is -/+ % more/less/no change compared to the old district map.

Black voter population previously was ———% and in the new district’s map is ——— percent which is -/+ % more/less/no change compared to the old district map.

Asian voter population previously was ———% and in the new district’s map is——— percent which is -/+ % more/less/no change compared to the old district map.

  1. Pay close attention to your district maps. Does the district’s map show any signs of gerrymandering? Explain ( minimum one to two paragraphs long)

State Senate District:

  1. Did your district’s number change?
  2. Comparing the two districts’ maps, were there any changes demographically?

the White voter population previously was ———% and in the new district’s map is ——— percent which is -/+ % more/less/no change  compared to the old district map.

Hispanic voter population previously was ———% and in the new district’s map is ——— percent which is -/+ % more/less/no change compared to the old district map.

Black voter population previously was ———% and in the new district’s map is ——— percent which is -/+ % more/less/no change compared to the old district map.

Asian voter population previously was ———% and in the new district’s map is——— percent which is -/+ % more/less/no change compared to the old district map

Use and cite three out of four given sources in the assignment as evidence or examples to support your position. No external sources are accepted for this assignment.   

After reading the assigned articles and watching the video, answer the following question:

  1. Pay close attention to your district maps. Does the district’s map show any signs of gerrymandering? Explain ( minimum one to two paragraphs long)

All papers must be typewritten, with reasonable font sizes and margins (12pt maximum; 1-inch margins). Unless otherwise stated, papers should be at least 1 to 2 pages in length, double-spaced, and submitted via eCampus.

Assume when writing that the reader has no prior information on your topic — then you will explain and fulfill each prompt completely.  

Assignments are due as listed in the course schedule, by 11:59pm.  Late papers after the 3 day grace period will be accepted for half-credit. 

I highly recommend that you write your papers on a separate word processing program, and then upload to eCampus, rather than composing directly on eCampus.  Technology has a way of causing problems when you least need them! 

Where necessary, others’ work must be appropriately cited.  Plagiarism is unacceptable, and will result in a zero.


Each Texas citizen has One Texas State House and one Texas State Senate member to represent him/her/them/xem. Use this website to find your representatives. The “Who Represents Me” section allows you
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