Requirements:Choose any topic dealing with economics that currently interest you.  Choose a topic that is either current or was of interest in the past.  Relate this topic to what we have studied inclass and explain how that topic follows the principles of what has been studied.The topic needs to be approved by me before the paper can be submitted.The submitted paper should be 3-5 pages in content length and must be typed and double spaced with one inch margins and a font no larger than 12 and in APA format.  You must use in-text citation to give credit to your sources throughout paper.  Do not include opinion unless otherwise notified by instructor.Your paper may be submitted early for revision and then turned back to make corrections.If this option is chosen, the paper must be received by me no later than two weeks before the final due date.  Must have at least three academic references.  DOnot include textbooks or encyclopedias.  You will need a reference page listing all references and a title page.Helpful Hints:When looking for a topic it may help you to look in newspapers, magazines, or online to find out current, interesting economic issues facing us as consumers. Any issue may be dealt with and researched as long as it has approval.Examples:  Must focus on a particular sector of the economy and you need to explain how that chosen sector affects the entire economy.The following topic ideas are suggestions for a research paper.  Please feel free to choose your own topic or use one of the following ideas.Foreign trade in regard to a topic areaLoosening of credit standards in regard to a topic area
The Housing Crisis of 2007 and how the economy has responded currentlyFiscal Policy in regard to a topic areaMonetary Policy in regard to a topic areaEconomics systems of foreign countriesFree Trade in regard to a topic areaExternalities and their impact on the economyPublic Goods and Services in regard to a topic areaAnalysis of supply and demand in regard to a topic areaResearch PaperGrading Criteria1. Must find a relevant topic that connects to course concepts and relate this topic throughout the paper.2.Paper needs to be a minimum 3 pages in content.  Paper grade is reduced 25 points per page that is missing.  For example:  2 content pages out of 3 (-25), 2.5 pages (-12.5).  3.Must use in-text citation throughout paper giving credit to your sources.  For example:  any sourced information whether it is a direct quote or summarized information must have in parenthesis (the author name, date and page number) there will be a point reduction for no in-text citation (-5).4.Must have a reference page and a title page.  Point reduction for no title page (-2) and point reduction for no reference page (-2).5.Must have at least 3 academic references.  Point reduction for missing one reference or reference used not academic (encyclopedia, textbook, online resourcenot academic).  For example: (-3), missing two references (-6).  6.Need to have a conclusion that summarizes all main points presented throughout paper.  For example: Point redu


Economics: price floors and surpluses
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