Read the article by Gerber et al. (2004), and book chapters (Richards &
Leafstedt, 2009) posted on Canvas under the heading “Teaching Small Intervention
Groups”. Read the section on Core Intervention Model (CIM) from pp. 241-242 of the
article and book chapter (chapter 6) and write a response. Your response might include
information such as:
• What is the CIM? What is the idea behind the design of the CIM model?
• Why might it be an effective instructional method to use while tutoring?
• Why is it important to not provide additional verbal instruction between the
staircase steps?
• Why is it important to use a rapid pace, explicit and concise questions, and to use
enthusiastic praise immediately after a child correctly responds?
Then search and identify one research article (published between 2010 and 2023) that
reflects advancements in learning-based, newer educational media/technology, and/or
covers the history, findings, successes of learning based media. The selected article must
reflect how educational strategies/research is embedded and used in media/technology
(can be TV shows, educational media in classroom, computer-based learning games, VR
etc..). The article needs to have relevant educational or academic goals/ focus as part of
the media or technology described. After reading this article, you write a
response/reflection that briefly compares the idea of CIM