EDUC 5313 Interactive Media/Multimedia Presentation Assignment (75 PTS)
The purpose of this assignment is to provide a vehicle for the delivery of the lesson you have developed. You should incorporate the digital tools you have found to facilitate the lesson activities that support students to attain your learning objective in this interactive/multimedia presentation. The presentation will be a resource that you should include in your detailed lesson plan.
Clarification: The intention of this presentation is to teach your lesson. The audience is the group of students the lesson is developed to teach.
Assignment Components: Your interactive/multimedia presentation will be shared on your website on the lesson plan page. The presentation should include the following components:
- Title: Name of lesson, grade level, content area
- Learning objective and content and ISTE Standards addressed.
- Components of the lesson (See lesson plan procedure)
- Content that will guide delivery of the lesson and provide your audience with focused and specific information to support the learning objective of your lesson.
- Keep your presentations engaging and moving.
- Provide credit to media that is not your original work (citations/attributions).
- Hyperlink to resources to increase accessibility.
- Keep readability in mind when selecting font types and sizes.
- Use color and animation thoughtfully.
- Include opportunities for conversation/discussion, feedback, assessment, and questions.
EXAMPLE PRESENTATION: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YqnhJSf8V9bb1fEGOXe7DilzS2Fu4U6bDkMH7EQK9Rk/edit?usp=sharing
- Multimedia Presentation Tools: Below are resources you might choose from to create your presentation. You are not limited to these resources. These resources can also be combined to create a more engaging presentation.
- Buncee: https://app.edu.buncee.com/
- Canva: https://www.canva.com/
- Doceri: https://doceri.com/
- Educreations: https://www.educreations.com/
- Explain Everything: https://explaineverything.com/
- Google Slides: https://www.google.com/slides/about/
- Microsoft Powerpoint
- Pear Deck (with Google Slides): https://www.peardeck.com/googleslides/
- Prezi: https://prezi.com/
- Visme: https://www.visme.co/
- ShowMe: https://www.showme.com/
- Nearpod: https://nearpod.com/
- Additional web 2.0 tools can enhance your presentation and support facilitation of your lesson. Below are several resources you might consider including in your presentation. You are not limited to these.
- Animation Tools:
- ToonDoo
- Chogger
- Powtoon
- Make Belief Comix
- Pixton
- Assessment Tools:
- Mentimeter: https://www.mentimeter.com/
- Edpuzzle: https://edpuzzle.com/
- Polleverywhere: https://www.polleverywhere.com/education-trial?rtm_campaign=remote-learning&rtm_medium=announcement_bar&rtm_source=homepage
- Peardeck and Nearpod have assessment features built in.
- Avatars/Animated Video
- Voki: https://l-www.voki.com/
- Vyond: https://www.vyond.com/
- Avatars SDK: https://avatarsdk.com/
- Virtual manipulatives
- Animation Tools:
ABCYa: https://www.abcya.com/games/fraction_percent_decimal_tiles