Assume you are a member of a regional criminal justice organization. You have volunteered to collaborate with other members of your group to analyze new developments in the field and prepare a presentation you will share at a national convention of groups like the one to which you belong.
Your group has chosen these specific emerging developments:
-Community-oriented policing
Analyze these developments and become familiar with the issues.
Interview others in your field about these developments.
Understand the ramifications of these changes.
Prepare a 300- to 400-word position paper that details the emerging developments researched by your group in the following areas:
-Community-oriented policing
Include the following information in your presentation for each of the emerging developments:
-A problem or issue statement
-Research questions
-A minimum of 2 emerging developments for each of the areas listed above
-Description (including history and evolution) for each of the above emerging developments
-Ethical implications of these changes
-Positive effects of these technological advancements
-Potential repercussions of technology in policing
Include a minimum of 3 references from texts, articles, journals, local police or criminal justice policy, and websites; only 2 may be websites. Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice may be used but not counted as 1 of the 3 to 5 references.
Collaborate with your group members and create a 4- to 6-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, with detailed speaker notes, based on a position paper. You will present the paper and presentation at the national conference.