Please do about this topic “Adopting Renewable Energies”
Global Energy Issues Final Project
Think of a research topic that you would like to: Adopting Renewable Energies
- Reflect on,
- Learn more about,
- Share your thoughts on.
Your topic should be connected, if only loosely, to the course theme: Renewable Energy.
Your essay can be related to current energy-related events, a particular technology, a particular geographic area, public policy, business case, best practice, lessons learned, etc.
Essay Page Limit: 2-3 pages
Here are some of the questions you will want to answer in your research essay and presentation:
- What is your topic?
- What is the background to this topic? Where and how did you find out about it?
- Why is this topic important? How does it relate to our course themes? What broader issues might it relate to (i.e. concerns of a particular academic circle, a specific group of people, or the public at large)?
- What did you learn about this topic? Where did you find credible information about this topic? ***Wikipedia is NOT a credible source for research***