This essay will give you the opportunity to write a fully researched argument defending your point of view. You will read a banned or challenged book and express your opinion on whether you agree with these attempts to restrict access to the work, supporting your viewpoint with quotations from the novel and research from reliable sources. You will select a limited topic in response to a prompt, conduct research, form a thesis statement expressing your opinion, organize your ideas in a logical manner, and support your views with evidence.
Read the book and write a research paper answering the following questions:
The book I chose is The Catcher in the Rye by J. D Salinger
MY THESIS STATEMENT: The Catcher in the Rye should not be banned from public high schools and libraries because this book is somewhat relatable for teenagers, as it represents feelings of guilt and grief as well as a struggle for survival in a harsh world.
- What is censorship? How does the idea of censorship connect to the subject of banning/challenging books?
- Why has your novel been banned ?Provide at least three examples from the book and an in-depth analysis of these examples. Consider the themes and ideas the author was trying to convey as well as why people found the content objectionable.
- How is/was the book defended by the author and/or other readers?
- Do you think the novel should be banned or challenged ?NO. Why or why not? Support your opinion with examples from the book and your research on censorship. Be sure to consider the context in which it was challenged (i.e., high school curriculum, public library, etc.)
Your paper should:
- begin with an APA cover page.
- include an introductory paragraph with a hook, TAG, a brief overview, and a thesis statement expressing your opinion on whether the book should be banned/restricted or not.
- have coherent body paragraphs with topic sentences and evidence from your sources. You need to include at least three quotes from the book and at least one quote or paraphrase from each of your secondary sources.
- focus on only one supporting point per body paragraph!!
- include an APA-style in-text citation with each quotation or paraphrase from a source.
- mostly consist of your own insight and analysis (most of each paragraph should consist of your own words and ideas)
- end with a conclusion discussing the significance of your topic.
- include an APA-style References Page listing at least three sources.
- use correct spelling, sentence structure, and SAE.