Ethics Paper

This paper requires the student tojustify their actions when faced with an ethical dilemma.  Choose one of the following ethical dilemmasand reflect upon what you would do if you were the researcher.

1.     You are interviewing college women who areanorexic, but whose anorexia is no longer active, about their schoolingexperiences. You have arranged to interview each of your participants at leastfive times over two consecutive semesters. During the third interview with oneparticipant, just after the winter holidays, you begin to suspect that heranorexia is active again because of her obvious weight loss and a few of hercomments. When you ask her how her health is, she replies that she is feelinggreat. What do you do?

2.     You are working on an intellectual biography ofa well-respected police chief. Most of your interviews are with the chief whohas obviously consented to your request to compose an intellectual biography,including some attention to his formative years. You are reading all of hispublished works and interviewing some family members as well as significantcolleagues. In the process, you uncover some potentially damaging or, at theleast, unflattering information about his private life. What do you do?

3.     You are inquiring into a refugee resettlementprogram in a small southern city, with particular interest in educationalaspects and community involvement. Through development of rapport and timespent volunteering with the program, you begin to learn how an early immigrantis seemingly taking financial advantage of recent refugees. He is charging forinformation and services that should be provided through the settlement programand people are going to him, rather than trying to get their needs met throughthe program. You want to protect the new refugees from exploitation and toreport the behavior of the earlier immigrant, yet you also worry that perhapsyou dont fully understand what is happening culturally. What do you do?

Write on the potential ethical issuesthat might arise during the study you choose. What can you do to minimize theirpotential? What would you do if faced with your ethical concerns?



Assignment Specifics:

       Student will write a 10-12 paper (choose from oneof the three)

       Citations from 10 scholarly sources

       Citations from any of the required reading/presentationsfrom the assigned module

       APA format

  • Textbooks: Glesne: chapter 6
  • OLeary: chapter 4


Ethics Research
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