Ethnography and Annotated Literature Review
Pick a book-length ethnography African American Food Culture by William Frank Mitchell, that is relevant to your final project topic Child Obesity in African American. Write a short summary book review (2-3 pages, double-spaced, 1 in margin, Times New Roman font size 12).
The following four elements must be included in your Ethnography Description. Please use sub-headers to clearly indicate:
1. Statement of the relationship between this ethnography and your topic Child Obesity in African American. Why did you select this ethnography?
2. Core cultural values described in the ethnography. These should be listed out, and briefly defined. Be sure to emphasize those core cultural values that relate to food.
3. Cultural beliefs/perceptions and behaviors relating to food. These would include food proscriptions and prescriptions, patterns of preferential food allocation, and so forth.
4. Possible linkages between the core cultural values, cultural beliefs and behaviors and possible intervention strategies. How would you use this information in an intervention?
Annotated Literature Review:
List 5 scholarly references you intend to use for your final PowerPoint as part of the context and rationale for your proposed interventions (at least 3 of references should come from a qualitative study). Each citation should be followed by a brief (<125 words) paragraph describing the study. The annotated literature review will not be counted as part of the 2-3 pages but should be submitted with your ethnography review.
Assignment Related Knowledge:
Class1 core culture value
Class 2- health behavior change
Class 3 – proscriptions and prescriptions
Class 4 – Looking at the Community and Culture
Class 5 – Moving Inside the Household
African American
African American Food Culture by William Frank Mitchell
Ethnography and Annotated Literature Review on African American Food Culture