Exp19_Access_Ch02_Capstone – International Foodies 1.0


nternational Foodies is an importer of exotic foods from all over the world. You landed a summer internship with the company and discovered that their product lists and the suppliers they buy from are stored in Excel workbooks. You offer to help by using your newly gained knowledge of Access to create a relational database for them. You will begin by importing the workbooks from Excel into a new Access database. Your manager mentions that she would also like a table that specifies food categories so that you can relate the products you sell to specific categories in the database. You will create a table from scratch to track categories, create relationships between the tables, and create some baseline queries.


Start   Access. Open the downloaded Access file named Exp19_Access_Ch2_Cap_Foodies. Grader has automatically added your   last name to the beginning of the filename. Save the file to the location   where you are storing your files.


You   will examine the data in the downloaded Excel worksheets to determine which   fields will become the primary keys in each table and which fields will   become the foreign keys so that you can join them in the database.

  Open the Suppliers.xlsx Excel   workbook, examine the data, and close the workbook. Open the Products.xlsx Excel workbook, examine   the data, and close the workbook.

  You will import two Excel workbooks that contain supplier and product   information into the database.

  Click the External Data tab, click   New Data Source, point to From File in the Import & Link   group, and then select Excel.   Navigate to and select the Suppliers.xlsx   workbook to be imported as a new table in the current database. Select First Row Contains Column Headings.   Set the SupplierID field Indexed option to Yes (No Duplicates). Select SupplierID   as the primary key when prompted and accept the table name Suppliers. Do not save the import   steps.


Import   the Products.xlsx workbook, set the   ProductID Indexed option to Yes (No   Duplicates), and select ProductID   as the primary key. Accept the table name Products.


Change   the Field Size of the QuantityPerUnit field to 25   in Design view of the Products table. Set the Field Size of ProductID and   CategoryID to Long Integer. Save   the changes and open the table in Datasheet view. Open the Suppliers table in   Datasheet view to examine the data. Close the tables.


You   will create a new table that will enable International Foodies to associate   each product with a food category in the database.

  Create a new table in Design view. Add the following fields in Design view   and set the properties as specified:

  Add the primary key field as CategoryID   with the Number Data Type and Number assigned to a new category.   (type the period) as the Description. Set the Caption property to Category ID.

  Save the table as Categories.


   Add CategoryName with the Short Text Data Type and Name of food   category.   (type the period) as the Description. Change the field size to 15. Set the Caption property to Category Name and the Required property to Yes.


Add   CategoryDescription with the Long Text Data Type. Set the Caption property to Category Description. Switch to Datasheet view and save the   table when prompted. You will enter Category data into the table in the next step.


   You will add 8 records to the Categories table so that you have some sample   data to test in the database.

  Add the following records to the Categories table:

Category   ID Category Name   Category Description 









  Close the table.


You will create   the relationships between the tables using the Relationships window.

  Add all three tables to the Relationships window. Identify the primary key   fields in the Categories table and the Suppliers table and join them with   their foreign key counterparts in the related Products table. Select the Enforce Referential Integrity and Cascade Update Related Fields check boxes.   Save and close the Relationships window.


You   will use the Simple Query Wizard to create a query of all products that you   import in the seafood category.

  Add the ProductName, SupplierID, and CategoryID fields from Products (in that order). Save the query   as Seafood Products.


Add   a criterion in Design view, to include only products with 8 as the CategoryID.


Sort   the query results in ascending order by ProductName. Run, save, and close the   query.


You   want to create a query that displays actual category names rather than the   CategoryIDs. You are interested to know which meat and poultry products are   imported. You will copy the Seafood Products query and modify it to delete a   field, then add an additional table and field.

  Copy the Seafood Products query   and paste it using Seafood Or Meat/Poultry   as the query name.


Open   the Seafood Or Meat/Poultry query   in Design view and delete the CategoryID   column.


Add   the Categories table to the top   pane of the query design window. Add the CategoryName   field to the last column of the design grid and set the criterion as “Seafood” Or “Meat/Poultry”.   Run, save, and close the query.


You   will create a query that identifies suppliers and their associated products.   Because there is a relationship between the two tables, you can now pull data   from each of them together as usable information.

  Create a query in Design view that includes the Suppliers and Products   tables. The query should list the company name, contact name, phone (in that   order), then the product name and the product cost (in that order).


Sort   the query by company name in ascending order, then by product cost in   descending order. Run, close, and save the query as Company by Product List.


You   determine that the data in the Company by Product List query could be   summarized with a Total row. You will group the records by company name, and   then count the number of products you buy from each of them.

  Copy the Company by Product List query   and paste it using Summary of Company by   Product   as the query name.


Open   the Summary of Company by Product   query in Design view and delete the ContactName, Phone, and ProductCost columns.


Click   Totals in the Show/Hide group on   the Query Tools Design tab. Click in the Total   row of the ProductName field, click the arrow, and then select Count.   The records will be grouped by the companys name and the products for each   company will be summarized.


Modify   the field name of the ProductName column as Product Count:   ProductName to make the field name more   identifiable. Click Run in the   Results group (20 records display in the Datasheet). The results display the   product count for each company that supplies your organization. Save and   close the query.


Close   all database objects. Close the database and then exit Access. Submit the   database as directed.


Exp19_Access_Ch02_Capstone – International Foodies 1.0
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