Title Assignment: Famous Modern Dance
Length: One page typed, double spaced (font 12 or smaller)
What to include: Choose one famous Modern piece from the videos below.
Martha Graham “Errand into the Maze”1947
Explores the theme of conquering one’s inner demons, more specifically the fear of sexual intimacy.
Paul Taylor “Promethean Fire” 2002
Dancers, costumed in black, weave in and out of intricate patterns that mirror the way varied emotions weave themselves through life. This was created in remembrance of the 9/11 attack.
OhadNaharin’s “Deca Dance” 2007
This piece consists of snippets from 16 different performances that Naharin choreographed over 21 years. The different pieces explore rituals, group works and individual identities with very diverse settings and images.
- Explain whyyou chose this piece
- If you do any additional research, cite where you found your information
- Give any personal opinions you have on the dance- what you like and don’t like
- Explain what you observed during this piece- lighting, costumes, movements, expressions, etc.
Do not include:
- A question and answer format!
- Directly copying (plagiarism) from the site
Grade based on:
- Grammar
- Following assignment directions
- Having an opinion that is well thou