1. What events and factors led to the rise of the Chicana Feminist Movement?
2. How was the ideology of the Chicana movement different from that of other movements such as the white women’s movement and black feminist movement?
3. What were their contributions to contemporary feminism?
4. How Chicana Feminism impacted your life/culture/family? If so, how? If not, how do you think it has impacted Mexican American and Latino culture in the U.S.?
Make sure that each answer is approximately 1.5-2 paragraphs long.
Edit your work and separate EACH RESPONSE. Number each reponse.
Cite at least ONE source from this module for EACH QUESTION . This means that you will have a minimum of four citations when you complete the assignment. Make sure that you cite IN TEXT in APA style.
Due 4/18 @ 11:30 p.m.