In a 2-3-page paper choose a film that you have watched  outside of class and address the following:

1. How has it affected or impacted you?
2. Choose one specific scene or sequence from a film (but not currently playing in theaters), and analyze  why it is an effective scene. Consider the composition (framing, mise en scene, etc.), the editing, and the sound.
Your chosen film  cannot be one that you used in either of the previous Discussion posts.

**You MUST include a link to the scene/sequence in your paper.**

Remember, your paper should not include a plot synopsis.  Incorporate terminology covered in course materials. The paper should be double-spaced, with a 12-point font, 1-inch margins on all sides. If applicable, please be sure to use proper citations for any resources you use.
This paper is due at 11:59PM Sunday at the end of Week 5.
Open these instructions in order to submit your paper.
Be sure to include your last name in the filename and a Resources page if you cited any sources in your paper.

**You MUST include a link to the scene/sequence in your paper.**


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