

Final Project:  Career Presentation and Portfolio

CAR 490 is a transformative course that is meant to launch you on a journey to find the next job (or perhaps the first job)  in your career.  In this course, you carefully assessed your current strengths, skills, and preferences.  You then investigated what jobs in your profession most closely match that personal inventory by talking to other knowledgeable professionals. Next, you identified job listings that matched your interest and experience.   Now, it is time to put all this research and self-discovery together.  


Part I:  Recorded Career Presentation 

You will record a 5-7 minute presentation in Module 10 (6-7 slides) that will tell the story of your Internship, what professional opportunity you are now seeking as a next step with specific examples, and where you see yourself in 3 years.  The presentation will include the following:

  1. Your 30-second elevator pitch (1 slide)
    • Your pitch should begin your presentation and should be revised to articulate what you are looking for now and be specific to the opportunities you have chosen to pursue.
      • A networking elevator pitch includes something about your present (who are you/what are you doing now); something about your past (what experiences you have had that have prepared you for the opportunity you are seeking); and something about your future goals (what opportunity are you looking for).
      • Watch: Berger, L. [Lauren Berger]. (2017, December 13). “How To Create Your 30 Second Elevator Pitch” [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb0Yz_5ZYzI for guidance in revising your pitch.
      • Review: NLU Career Bridge guidance on creating an elevator pitch, found here
      • Your instructor’s feedback on your Mock Interview performance, particularly your answer to the “Tell Me about Yourself” question. 
    • A description of your strengths, skills, and preferences (1 slide)
      • Your presentation should list and describe your strengths, skills and preferences.  You should consider leveraging the information you included in earlier presentations; however,  your sense of these strengths, skills and preferences will likely have deepened through your internship experience).
    • 2 Lessons learned from your internship (1 slide)
      • How has your internship experience shaped your ideas about who you are and what your next steps should be?
    • Your desired next career step including the 5 opportunities you are applying for (1-2 slides). 
    • A vision of where you think you may be in 3 years and what it will take to get there (1 slide).
      • The strengths, skills, qualifications (including additional schooling) and professional connections/mentors that are needed to accomplish this 3-year plan.

Record your completed presentation and upload into the dropbox for Final Presentation in D2L (Module 10).  Your recording options are:

  1. Panopto:  This option is housed in your D2L course shell and is a video-sharing platform supported by NLU.  Detailed directions for recording and sharing with Panopto can be found HERE
  2. PowerPoint dictation:  Using this option, you would record a voice-over of your PowerPoint slides and share with your instructor.  Directions for this option can be found HERE
  3. Zoom: you may use zoom to record your presentation, walking your audience through shared slides.  You would use the record function in zoom and then save your completed recording and share it with your instructor in D2L.  Directions for using zoom to record a presentation can be found HERE.  This option does require that you sign up for a temporary free zoom account or that you have your own account.

additional details about me

I’m computer science student so it should have the work accordingly. Also for capstone project for this course I passed Comptia N+ certificate so you can add that as well in the presentation. I am also going to start working at Marcus Evans Group as IT Engineer.



Final Project
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