COURSE NAME: BCO224 –FINANCIAL MARKETS Task brief & rubrics: 60% GRADE
This is Assignment 2
- Individual task
- You should prepare an executive memo and submit a document in Word format. Wordcount 2000.
- You should submit by email an Excel file used to perform your calculations.
- Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.
- Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
- Text alignment: Justified.
Submission:– Via Moodle (Turn it in). Sunday 30th April.
Weight: This task is a 60% of your total grade for this subject.
It assesses the following learning outcomes:
- Demonstrate a deep understanding of the role of financial markets and financial institutions.
- Understand the primary classes of mutual funds available to investors and the benefits of different investment funds.
- Understanding NAV calculations
- Understanding the relation between risk and return
- Assume you are an investment advisor. Your client is unsure what are the main benefits and reasons for investing in a Mutual Fund or in an index fund with an ETFs.
- Explain the main differences and similarities between each other.
- Explain what are the main advantages and disadvantages of investing in mutual funds or ETFs versus investing in Equity Stocks.
- Explain the difference between investing in fixed income and an ETF that follows the S&P 500.
- Explain the main difference between active and passive management
- Explain what the difference between investing in value companies is or in growth companies.
- Go tohttps://morningstar.com
- What information does provide the Morningstar Style Box®?
- Morningstar assigns a Rating to each Mutual Fund. What are the criteria they use to assign this rating?
- Use the information provided above (style box and ratings) to choose 3 different funds (10 different assets per fund) to prepare 3 portfolios for 3 different types of investors:
- Aggressive
- Moderate
- Conservative
- In half a page for each portfolio, explain:
- The rationale behind choosing the given funds per each portfolio
- The criteria chosen to build each portfolio
- The total amount to invest in each portfolio is 1.000.000€.
- Calculatethereturnforeachportfolioattheendoftheweek.Explainyourresults and show them graphically. Compare in the same graph the development of the three portfolios you have chosen and the development in the same period of the S&P500 index. Explain your conclusions.
- Explain how much is your return in this period, and compare it to an investment in the S&P 500 index.
90-100 |
80-89 |
70-79 |
<70 |
Understanding (40%) | Student selects all key concepts, demonstrating an excellent understanding of the reading material and task. | Student selects some key concepts, demonstrating a good understanding of the reading material and task. | Student selects a few key concepts, demonstrating a fair understanding of the reading material and task although some concepts might be missing. | Student fails to select key concepts, demonstrating insufficient understanding of the reading material or task. |
Calculation (25%) | Student demonstrates excellent ability to calculate and understand all key formulas & exercises. | Student demonstrates good ability to calculate and understand all key formulas & exercises. | Student demonstrates fair ability to calculate and understand all key formulas & exercises. | Student demonstrates insufficient ability to calculate and understand all key formulas & exercises. |
Analysis (25%) | Student demonstrates an excellent ability to interpret statistics and the calculation results, as well as a highly critic approach | Student demonstrates an good ability to interpret statistics and the calculation results, as well as a good critic approach | Student demonstrates an fair ability to interpret statistics and the calculation results, as well as a fair critic approach | Student demonstrates an insufficient ability to interpret statistics and the calculation results, as well as a insufficient critic approach |
Communication (10%) | Student communicates their ideas extremely clearly and concisely. | Student communicates their ideas clearly and concisely. | Student communicates their ideas with some clarity and concision. | Student fails to communicate their ideas clearly and concisely. |
Financial Markets