For each of the Essay Questions below, you must answer it with a full paragraph. A full paragraph is 6-8 sentences and lets me know that you completely understand the concept.
One and two sentence answers will be given 0 points. Additionally, this is not a Cut and Paste exercise. The only way I know that you understand the concept is if you explain it to me in your own words.
- What is the difference between immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers?
- Why is community policing outreach to immigrants and refugees important?
- What are some barriers to a positive relationship between immigrants and police?
- How is culture relevant to law enforcement? Give Specific examples.
- What is prejudice and how does it affect law enforcement?
- How can is racism being addressed in organization? Give specific examples.
- Explain the history of women in law enforcement?
- What are some workplace issues that arise? How do they addressed? Give specific examples.
- How is sexual orientation viewed and addressed in the law enforcement community? Do you think issues are improving, declining or staying the same? Support your answer.
- What is the importance of leadership and how does professionalism relate?
For each of the Essay Questions below, you must answer it with a full paragraph. A full paragraph is 6-8 sentences and lets me know that you completely understand the concept. One and two sentence