Introduction to the Reflective Journal
Go to moodle and check GENV 121 for more requirements. Video of unit 1-3 are required to watch.
REQUIREMENT 5 pages + title page + reference page.
A reflective journal is simply a record of your thoughts. It is a reflection of the way you think and the manner in which you respond to your learning.
Journals can consist of traditional note taking, mind maps, pictures, stream-of-consciousness writing, recordings, quotes, sketches, or drawings: whatever you choose to include. Experiment and have fun.
The purpose of journaling is to make you an active participant in your learning experiences as you engage in the various activities throughout the courses readings, activities, and discussions with your instructor and your fellow students. Reflecting upon these learning events will help you gain a deeper understanding of the course materials and help integrate your learning into applied practice in your everyday life and work.
Throughout the course, I will remind you to write in your journal, as I want to be sure you are actively learning the material. To assist you, I have provided you with questions you can ask yourself in order to get your creative energies flowing. Reflective journaling is an activity you can and should complete on a regular or daily basis, even outside of our scheduled course activities.
Common Questions Used for Reflective Journaling
In your view, what were the most important points in the readings, videoclips, or discussions with your fellow students and instructor?
What information did you already know?
What new knowledge, ideas, or perspectives have you gained?
What information was easy to remember or learn? Why?
What concepts did you find more difficult? Why?
How can you apply this knowledge to your work or current experience?
How has this knowledge helped you to make sense of your current or previousexperience?
Has your understanding of a personal or work-related situation changed after studying these
Did you agree or disagree with any of the material? If yes, how did you react andwhy?
If you could have the opportunity to engage in further learning, what would it be?
What other articles, books or discussions would be of interest?
Please refer to the grading criteria to help you in your writing.