This is the most important time that you will be working on your project. If you let this slide, it will be difficult to catch up.

  1. Your team will scour the news and tap into personal experiences to relate your specific brand to all the concepts we have discussed so far/and are discussing currently in the class. You may want to ignore some introductory topics in Chapter 1 as they may be too generic to apply. And you will have to be choosy with the actual concepts that truly apply. Only some concepts/terms will apply and you will need to provide evidence from literature to support your claim.
  2. You will have to also have to tell me why the connections that you made are important to the study of Consumer Behavior. You can add advertisements (print or video) to illustrate these connections. It will augment your arguments.
  3. Your group should collaborate through Canvas or Google docs or some such sharing mechanism in order to keep a running tab of all contributions, connections, and observations.

April 1-15

Start writing your group report on all your observations. Your written report needs to be at least 15 pages long with the following sections.

  1. Brand and product category chosen and why that specific one (1 to 2 paras)
  2. History of the company and brand in particular (2 pages max)
  3. CB terms/concepts that relate to your brand and how and why (1 page for every concept with evidence, APA style in-text citations)
  4. Observations, conclusions (2 pages min, 4 pages max)
  5. Appendices (in addition to the 15 pages)
  6. References (in addition to the 15 pages)
  7. Double spaced (or at least 1.5)


Group Project MKT
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