Project #3 – run-length encoding
Version 3.0.0: ©2022-06-21
Course INFO-1156 Object-Oriented Programming in C++
Professor Janice Manning
Assigned Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Due Monday, July 18, 2022 by 11:59 pm
Weight 5%
Project Description
Create two C++ 201
applications; one that encodes a file using RLE compression, and another that
decodes the compressed file.
Program Interfaces
The encoder should have the following command-line interface:
rle [–debug] [–help] [–version] inputfile [outputfile]
• –debug indicates the output file is in text format.
• –help shows the command line options.
• –version shows the current development version.
• inputfile is the name of the text or binary file to be encoded (could have any name/extension)
• outputfile is the name of the file containing encoded result. If a name is not provided, it will be the
original filename with “.rle”.
The decoder should have the following command-line interface:
rld [–debug] [–help] [–version] inputfile [outputfile]
• –debug indicates the output file is in text format.
• –help shows the command line options.rl
• –version shows the current development version.
• inputfile is the name of the RLE encoded file to be decoded. If there is no “.rle” extension then
an output filename must be provided.
• outputfile is the name of the file containing the decoded result. If a name is not provided, it will be
the original filename with “.rle” stripped from the name.
1 Must be compiled with /std:c++20
2 Windows platform
Run-Length Encoding compresses long runs of characters by writing the file information as a byte count
followed by the character byte. The counts are stored as unsigned char (uint8_t) and the character values are
stored as unsigned chars.
For example:
hello x68x65x6Cx6Cx6F
Is encoded with the command:
rle hello.txt
producing the file
The file:
aaaaaabbbb x61x61x61x61x61x61x62x62x62x62
Is encoded with the command:
rle repeating.bin
producing the file
Since the repeat count is only a single byte, the largest count that can be stored is UCHAR_MAX which is 255.
Therefore, repetition counts that exceed 255 must be done in groups of 255.
For example:
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa…a x61x61x61x61…x61
Is encoded with the command:
rle 512a’s.txt
producing the file
A test program has been provided that will run your programs against a series of test reporting which tests pass,
and which tests fail. The nature of the failure will also be reported. Place the program into your debug and/or
release directories. Help is provided with the ‘–help’ switch.
Grading Criteria Max Actual
Test Cases
#0: rle trivial.txt trivial.txt.rle 2% 1 1 2%
#1: rle simple.txt simple.txt.rle 10% 1 1 10%
#2: rle typical.txt typical.txt.rle 10% 1 1 10%
#3: rle oneK.txt oneK.txt.rle 3% 1 1 3%
#4: rle oneKone.txt oneKone.txt.rle 2% 1 1 2%
#5: rld trivialcoded.txt.rle trivialcoded.txt 2% 1 1 2%
#6: rld simplecoded.txt.rle simplecoded.txt 5% 1 1 5%
#7: rld typicalcoded.txt.rle typicalcoded.txt 4% 1 1 4%
#8: rld oneK.txt.rle oneK.txt 3% 1 1 3%
#9: rld oneKone.txt.rle oneKone.txt 2% 1 1 2%
#10: rle default.txt 5% 1 1 5%
#11: rld defaultcoded.txt.rle 5% 1 1 5%
#12: rle binary.bin binary.bin.rle 10% 1 1 10%
#13: rle binary.bin.rle 10% 1 1 10%
#16: rle –help 2% 1 1 2%
#17: rld –help 2% 1 1 2%
#18: rle (no args) 2% 1 1 2%
#19: rld (no args) 2% 1 1 2%
#20: rle nosuchfile 2% 1 1 2%
#21: rld nosuchfile 2% 1 1 2%
#22: rle existingfile.txt . 2% 1 1 2%
#23: rld existingfile.txt.rle . 2% 1 1 2%
Non-functional requirements
Multi-file solution 3% 1 1 3%
Penalties from C & C++ Grading Guide v2.2.0 -5% 1 0 0%
Late submission: -10% 1 0 0%
Total 100%
Submission Requirements
1. Submit entire Visual Studio project directory to Fanshawe Online
a. Delete all debug and release directories.i
b. Submit in a .ZIP, .7z archive file.
i Alternatively, you can ‘clean’ your project for submission by downloading ‘vsclean’ a Visual Studio Solution Cleaner from
www.gats.ca .