You will begin the process of developing a classroom management style that works for you. This plan will hopefully, enable you to better understand how you want to teach. You will choose from the following Classroom Management Styles (listed below) that you think will work best for you. You will then determine how you will present your Classroom Management Presentation. Your presentation can be in the form of a Prezi, video, Wiki, or PowerPoint.
Below are your Choices:
Choices of Classroom Management Styles
- Responsive Classroom
- Love and Logic
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
- Responsible Thinking Process
- Real Restitution
These are some thing to include in the slides
- Define a responsive classroom
- Consequences for the classroom
- Expectation in the class
- Four key components for responsive classroom
- Class rules and etc
Help With Classroom Management Power point