You will be expected to create a specific and focused research question to research and write a 3-4 page paper on the topic. You will be graded on the following criterion/strands:
B – Investigating
Formulating and following an action plan to investigate a research question
Use research methods to collect and record appropriate, varied and relevant information
C – Communicating
Communicate information and ideas effectively using an appropriate style for the audience and purpose
structure information and ideas in a way that is appropriate to the specified format
document sources of information using a recognized convention
Paper requirements:
12pt Times New Roman, double spaced
MLA citations
At least three reliable sources – including ONE PRINT SOURCE!
Online databases (ProQuest & JSTOR) are strongly encouraged.
You may not cite a general encyclopedia such as Encyclopedia Britannica online or print edition
You may not cite Wikipedia online Avoid personal websites
Some suggestions of great websites are http://www.archives.gov/ and http:// catalog.loc.gov/ and http://americanhistory.si.edu/
Writing a thesis
Research Questions Research Topic vs. Research Question
- Start with a topic → research question
- A topic is too broad for a paper ○ Example: African Americans’ and Reconstruction ○ Why is this too broad?
- Example research question:
○ Why did Reconstruction end?
○ What role did African American women play during Reconstruction?
- Avoid research questions that are too narrow ○ Example: How did Reconstruction affect the lives of African Americans in Kentucky in 1865?
Research Question Musts
- Address causes and effects
- Asks not what happened, but why and how something happened
- Must be open-ended ○ No simple yes or no answer
- Be argumentative ○ People can debate your question Bad Question:
Who was Napoleon Bonaparte? Good Question:
How did Napoleon Bonaparte come to power?
Types of Research Questions
- Ask how or why an event happened
- Ask what the consequences of a particular event were
- Ask whether or not an individual was responsible for a specific event or occurrence
Sample Research Questions
- How did European colonization affect Native Americans?
- Why did the Salem Witch Trials occur?
- Did women have an important role during the Revolution (or Civil War)? Why or why not?
- Were Jefferson’s views of slavery consistent with his way of life?
- Why did the Americans win the American Revolution?
- Did Thomas Jefferson father the children of Sally Hemmings?
- What was the significance of the Cotton Gin?
- What were the main causes of Westward Expansion?
Where to Find Sources
- Archives.gov : primary and secondary sources
- Proquest (through STT library)
- JStor (through STT library)
- The library
- Remember you need at least one print source! a. Articles found on JSTOR or Proquest will count as a print source b. Books count too!