Answer the following questions. Remember that I want your representatives and senators from Washington, D.C. not the state legislature
Congressional Assignment
- What Congressional District do you live in?
- Who represents your District in Washington?
- When did your representative take office?
- How long has your representative served in office?
- Who represents you in the U.S. Senate?
- When did your senators take office?
- How long has your Senator served in office
- What status does your Senators and Representative hold? Freshmen, Junior, Senior?
- What is your Senators and Representatives party affiliation?
- Who holds the record as the longest serving Representative in the history of the House of Representatives? What were the dates of service?
- Who holds the record as the longest serving Senator in the history of the Senate? What were the dates of service?
- What committees do your Senators and Representatives serve on? (List the committees).
- Do any of your Representatives or Senators chair any Congressional Committees?
- Who currently holds the following positions of leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives:
- Speaker of the House
- Majority Leader
- Majority Whip
- Minority Leader
- Minority Whip
15.Who currently holds the following leadership positions in the U.S. Senate:
- President of the Senate
- President Pro Tempore
- Majority Leader
- Majority Whip
- Minority Leader
- Minority Whip
History – American history Congressional Assignment