Review, study, and report on a domestic or international terrorist event.
Pick one of the following events or an event of your choice.
- Mumbai
- World Trade Center
- Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing.
- The Aurora, Colorado active shooter incident.
Then, address the following:
- Look for indicators that might have been missed in preventing the event.
- Suggest solutions to prevent a repeat of the event.
APA-Perdue Owl Links to an external site.
- APA format is required.
- Title page, reference page, in text citations (see above link for help.)
- References and in text citations must be formatted in APA.
- Course reference(s) and TWO outside references are required.
- Do not copy and paste.
- All assignments are scanned by Turn It In Plagiarism checker.
- Length of paper should be a minimum of 3-4written pages. (Title page and reference page are not included in this number.)
Homeland Security 17