- Based upon the typical dwelling known as a ger (photos 14 and 15), would you say that this culture is individualistic or collective? WHY?
Define what the text says the difference is between individualism and collectivism.
- You just viewed a scene from the film “Mr. Baseball” starring Tom Selleck. Tom Selleck’s character, Jack Elliot, is an aging baseball player who has been traded to a team in Japan. If Tom wants to continue to play baseball professionally, he must move to Japan.
In the first scene, Tom is being picked up for a business dinner with a woman who is attracted to. He asks one of his team members what his chances are with this woman. The Japanese man responds, “Many torrents, difficulties surround her.” Tom’s character does not fully understand the comment. He later finds out that it is the boss’s daughter.
In the second scene, Tom questions his friend as to why he did not tell him who she was and the friend replies, “I told you many torrents, difficulties surround her.” Tom becomes upset at this remark.
- Which theory from the text best explains why there is miscommunication Hall, Hofstede, or Confucius?
- Why did you select this theory?
- Explain the theory you selected by listing and describing the various components that make up this theory.
VIDEO: FIU | Mr Baseball (5) Com3461 Pol Video Assignment
3.) Amir is from Saudi Arabia. He is attending college in the United States pursuing a degree in Business. Upon completion of his degree, Amir will return to Saudi Arabia to run the family business with his father and brothers. Amir is not used to having females in the same classroom and the idea of women participating in business is completely alien to him. As a result, Amir pays little attention to the contributions made by females in the classroom. He often interrupts them and discounts what they have to say. He sneers at their comments and laughs at their proposals. When forced to converse with female students he does so condescendingly.
The female students at first ignored Amir’s behavior in hopes that he would quickly become aware of their competence. After all, the other males in the classroom considered them equally. But Amir’s insults were continuous and female students had begun to challenge him on many issues. Amir, whose culture has taught him an emphasis on spoken language, retaliated against the females; challenges and the classroom had turned into a daily battleground. In addition, females received little support from other males in classroom because Amir had chided them in the hallways about letting women make their decisions for them. The situation has escalated to the point that no student interaction where Amir is involved can be facilitated without an argument.
- What would you do to rectify this situation?
- Which component of Hofstede’s theory best describes this scenario? Be specific and explain.
- List and explain the 4 components of Hofstede’s theory.
- )Relate Hofstede’s theory to the essay.
- Give an example from the essay that is representative of Masculinity Femininity from Hofstede’s theory.
- Summarize what the text says about Masculinity/Femininity from Hofstede’s theory.
5.) In detail, summarize at length the video “Using High Context Language” and relate it to ANY aspect of the course you wish.
VIDEO:Using high-context language (linkedin.com)
6.)In detail, summarize at length the video “Developing Cross-Cultural Intelligence” and relate it to ANY aspect of the course you wish.
VIDEO:Individual and group-focused cultures (linkedin.com)
7.)In Chapter 11 of Livingston’s Anatomy of the Sacred the author discusses what has come to called the problem of theodicy, or justifying the existence of an all-good, all-powerful God in the presence of evil and suffering. In other words, can the reality of such a being be reconciled with the existence of so much evil and suffering in the world. Chapter 11 discusses different approaches or solution to this problem.
Discuss at least three approaches and choose which one of the three you consider most satisfactory.