, Please watch the following video in its entirety: Versus Hip Hop on Trial Debate https://youtu.be/r3-7Y0xG89Q “Hip-Hop Doesn’t Enhance Society, It Degrades it.”
- Before watching the video, what is your stance on the motion, “Hip-Hop Doesn’t Enhance Society, It Degrades it?” Explain your stance.
- Which three debaters did you closely align with? Thoroughly explain what each of these debaters stated as to why you align with them.
- Which three debaters did you mostly disagree with? Thoroughly explain what each of these debaters stated as to why you disagree with them.
- After watching the video, did your stance change? Explain why?
- What are your thoughts on this course? Did you learning anything. answer all questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES.
i need help structuring my Hip Hop trial debate