i want a reflection of three pages and the 4th page should have all the references of APA”What have I learned in this unit?” “Why is this important?”, “What does this new knowledge mean to me?”, “How will this knowledge help me in future?” “Why are these concepts important
and references should be from only these sources
unit 2
Definitions and Components of Health and Wellness Readings
- Corbin, C.B. and Pangrazi, R.P. (2001). Toward a uniform definition of wellness: A commentary. President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, Research Digest, Series 3 No. 15.
- Available at: http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED470691.pdf
- Corbin,C.B., Pangrazi, R.P., and Frank B.D. (2000). Definitions: Health, Fitness, and Physical Activity. President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Research Digest.
- Available at: http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED470696.pdf
- Robins, Powers, & Burgees (1994). A wellness Way of life. Madison WI: Brown and Benchmark, pp 1- 18.
- Available in readings pack
- Watch the web series from The Seven Sacred Laws
- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_wQ7QfAR0HwnHMvAUYQulwuFvH9CJWID
unit 3
benefits of physical activity
- Epidemiology from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) available at https://www.cdc.gov/training/publichealth101/epidemiology.html. Specifically, review the following two materials:
- E-learning course – Introduction to Epidemiology: https://www.cdc.gov/publichealth101/e-learning/epidemiology/
- Webinar Introduction to Epidemiology: https://youtu.be/4oaQUAnA6nY
- Weinberg,R.S. & Gould, D. (2007). Exercise and Psychological Well-being. In: Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
i want a reflection of three pages and the 4th page should have all the references of APA”What have I learned in this unit?” “Why is this important?”, “What does this new knowledge mean to me?”, “How