You will be creating an export business plan. Work must be original to this class, otherwise a grade of zero will be given. If no paper is submitted, a course grade of zero points will be given. Papers that do not contain detailed research will be severely penalized. No Wikipedia references are allowed.
- Select a product of which you will export to a foreign country.
- After your product is chosen, decide on a foreign country to which you will export.
- Develop an Export Business Plan.
Formatting Requirements
- Your paper must be in APA format to include:
- The use of headings and subheadings
- Times New Roman 12-point font
- 1 inch margins
- Paragraphs with a minimum of at least 5 sentences
- The first line of each paragraph should be indented 1/2 inch
- Anything less than the content length stated above is not sufficient coverage of content and will result in a substantial reduction in grade.
- At least one to two reference (or works cited) pages.
- References must be no older than 5 years.