In Week 3, you conducted research into your academic program to learn more about what skills you would get from your courses, and how you might leverage what you learned to secure an internship or job in your field of interest. Last week you explored education and training requirements, job tasks, and other information about your career of interest. Now you will conduct research to find the current trends in your desired industry and provide a brief summary of your findings. This assignment will be in the form of a professional email to your supervisor, Ms. Smith.
Imagine that you work for a company directly related to your major. Your company is preparing for expansion and your boss, Ms. Smith, has been asked to design an orientation program for new employees. As part of this process, Ms. Smith has asked you to do some research into the trends in your organization’s industry that new employees will need to know about and understand.
She has asked you to write a detailed email that identifies the three top emerging IT trends in your industry to incorporate into the new training, along with why they are the top three. If she likes your work on this initial research, she will ask you to take the lead on this portion of the training, allowing you to get leadership experience and name recognition within the organization.
While you have been with the company for some time, you haven’t had much opportunity to focus on training others. You think you have a sense of the industry but know you need to do more research to be accurate in your analysis. The ability to spot emerging trends in your industry is an important skill, and your boss wants to ensure that new employees are up to speed as quickly as possible.