Part 1: Identifying Components
Read the articles listed below and found in this week’s University Library Resources then identify the following for each article:
1. Methodological approach (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods)
2. Research Purpose
3. Research Questions
4. Research methods used
5. Overall Implications of the Findings (Discussion/Conclusion/Implication section)
Review this example for the type of information you should include in each box. It is not all encompassing and may not be duplicated in your chart.
Type of Analysis
Research Purpose
Research Questions
Research Methods
Overall Implications of the Findings
Friedman, S. D., & Westring, A. (2015). Empowering individuals to integrate work and life Insights for management development. Journal of Management Development, 34(3), 299-315.
Mixed Methods
The purpose of this paper is to address the lack of knowledge and evidence regarding Els (empowerment initiatives).
What are the key insights that can be used in the selection, design, implementation, and evaluation of work-life empowerment efforts?
The researchers used a mixed methods approach of experiments and self-assessments (textual analysis).
The findings offer a way to understand work-life initiatives and create opportunities for employees to enhance work-life balance while simultaneously achieving greater work performance. It will allow companies to shed light onto critical features of EIs and strategies for effective implementation.
Findings lay a foundation for future empirical research on individual-level organizational initiatives in the work-life arena.
Type of Analysis
Research Purpose
Research Questions
Research Methods
Overall Implications of the Findings
Thematic Analysis:
Moeta, M. E., & du Rand, S. M. (2019). Use of scenarios to explore conflict management practices of nurse unit managers in public hospitals. Curationis, 42(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.4102/curationis.v42i1.1943
Content Analysis:
Schimmelpfennig, C. (2018). Who is the Celebrity Endorser? A Content Analysis of Celebrity Endorsements. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 30(4), 220–234. https://doi.org/10.1080/08961530.2018.1446679
Narrative Analysis:
Noraini Ismail, Husin, M. M. d., Bhatti, T., & Hendy Mustiko Aji. (2018). Islamic Branding in Food Service Industry: Qualitative Study of Sellers’ and Consumers’ Perceptions. Global Business & Management Research, 10(3), 900–907.
Semiotics Analysis:
Istrate, A. M., & Bîrsanu, R. (2018). A semiotic approach to marketing communication. Romanian Economic and Business Review, 13(4), 7-13.
Part 2: Data
You can see that each analysis method approaches a problem from different perspectives. Choose 1 article and then answer the following questions on data transformation. Answers should be 4-6 sentences.
Description of Data
What ways did the researcher(s) offer a clear description of the data? Pay close attention to how the researchers presented the data to show how the data informed the overall findings.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Displayed Data
How did the researcher(s) identify important findings and their interactions? Focus on how the researchers displayed data in tables/charts, comparison to a standard, or coding schemes, etc.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Explain how the researcher interpreted the data. Note if theory was used as a framework, connected to personal experiences, or explored alternate perspectives of the findings.
What is your interpretation of the researcher’s overall conclusions?
Click or tap here to enter text.
Supporting a Project
How could you use the data transformation if you were a communication/marketing coordinator trying to use the overall findings to support a communication or marketing plan or a project? Consider this week’s Career Connection video – are the findings in line with the mission?