Dr. Mandy Pacheco
IDS 4939
October 12, 2022
Sources for Project; Factors That Influence Substance Abuse among Teenagers
Primary Sources
A&E,. “Intervention: Elizabeth’s Difficult Childhood Leads to Drug Addiction From Teen Years | A&E”. Youtube, 28 Dec. 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZlcCm2op34.
Hanley, M. “Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in Teenagers | Megan Hanley – YouTube”. Youtube, 19 Aug. 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISMLIAXENFc.
Secondary Sources
Allen, Joseph P., et al. “Different factors predict adolescent substance use versus adult substance abuse: Lessons from a social-developmental approach.” Development and psychopathology 33.3 (2021): 792-802.
Azimi, Andia M., and Eric J. Connolly. “Child maltreatment and substance use: a behavior genetic analysis.” Child maltreatment 27.2 (2022): 279-289.
Gray, Kevin M., and Lindsay M. Squeglia. “Research Review: What have we learned about adolescent substance use?.” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 59.6 (2018): 618-627.
Oshri, Assaf, et al. “Impulsivity as a mechanism linking child abuse and neglect with substance use in adolescence and adulthood.” Development and psychopathology 30.2 (2018): 417- 435.
Pasman, Joëlle A., et al. “Interplay between genetic risk and the parent environment in adolescence and substance use in young adulthood: a TRAILS study.” Development and Psychopathology (2021): 1-14.
Rusby, Julie C., et al. “Influence of parent–youth relationship, parental monitoring, and parent substance use on adolescent substance use onset.” Journal of family psychology 32.3 (2018): 310.
Sarvey, Dana, and Justine W. Welsh. “Adolescent substance use: Challenges and opportunities related to COVID-19.” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 122 (2021): 108212.
Trucco, Elisa M. “A review of psychosocial factors linked to adolescent substance use.” Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 196 (2020): 172969.