- 8-10 pages no less
- penalties will be applied for incomplete papers <8 pages
- use of mechanisms to hide actual paper length will be given additional penalties (e.g. extra spaces between paragraphs, etc.)
- follow APA format guide for margins, etc. & citation – no other style formats accepted
- in text citation should be used
- use 12pt/Times New Roman font
- 5 sources, 2 academic papers (peer reviewed journal) + 3 of: 1 book reference other than your textbook (online or physical), 1 Government document (electronic or physical copy), 1 report from a private organization (electronic or physical copy), and/or 1 additional academic peer reviewed paper.
- submitted in both .doc & .pdf formats only
- only the final submission will be graded, do not email with criteria for which submission will be graded – make sure the one you want graded is the last you submit
- header w/ page numbers
- Focus on post1900 period, historical arguments are supplemental and should clearly relate to contemporary discussion
- Centred on Indigenous Peoples of Canada and histories
- 35% of grade
- Academic/scholarly discussion
BOOK AND QUESTION :,zfnus5h4q7dfvvb,bgjtzbh7te8svdk,ido9aw439wl01xs,6mjn909u7eyt2we/shared
INDG study RESEARCH PAPER 8-10 pages no lesspenalties will be applied for incomplete papers