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Read book, copy link to access it. The Jungle online:
– do a book review on The Jungle.
– The first line of your review must be a bibliographical citation of your book. This citation replaces the more typical title.
– Your bibliographical citation MUST be for the edition you actually used.
– Always underline or italicize the title of a book.
– italicize every citation of the title
– The first paragraph must be a biography of the author explaining why he is an expert in the subject matter of this book.
The remainder of the review should contain the following elements, probably as a paragraph for each element.
A statement of the type of book (monograph, biography, novel, etc.) and the scope of the work. (What is the author trying to accomplish? What is the thesis of this work?)
A concise summary of the material covered. (Remember, one paragraph per element)
An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the book, the outstanding ideas, theories, arguments, or qualities of the book. You should support your analysis with examples from the book.
The personal judgment of the reviewer (you) concerning the success of the author in conveying his message and the value of the book for other readers.
Any review that exceeds four pages loses two points. If you omit any of the above elements you lose two points per element.