Using some form of media (broadcast, internet, social media, etc.), identify a teen who is/has contributed to improving the lives and well-being of individuals and/or families in their community. Relate their contribution back to one specific cross-cutting theme from the Body of Knowledge (BOK): Cross-Cutting Themes: Capacity Building, Global Interdependence, Resource Development and Sustainability, Appropriate Use of Technology, or Wellness.
Select one of the following themes and discuss the connection to your adolescent example:
- Appropriate Use of Technology- Awareness of social and economic implications. How this affects the quality of life for individuals, families and communities.
- Wellness- Food security, adequate nutrition, reduced risk of disease. Compassionate learning environments. Protection from abuse, exploitation of violence.
- Capacity building- Ability to help people make decisions, health choices, builds on strengths and assets, respects diversity. Training students to be good citizens.
- Global interdependence- Resource development, public policy, sustainability from generation to generation. Softening footprint.
- Resource Development and Sustainability- Health and well-being, such as access to adequate nutrition, exposure to disease, compassionate learning environment, healthcare availability, access to safe water, air, and sanitation facilities.
After you discuss the connection in detail, answer the following:
- How might viewing this example influence a teen’s behavior?
Instructions: Using some form of media (broadcast, internet, social media, etc.), identify a teen who is/has contributed to improving the lives and well-being of individuals and/or families in their c