KG689 Graduate Internship Preparation
Lesson Plan: Week 5
Dr. D. Tennyson, DBA
Effective Communication & Networking
Welcome to Week 5:
At the end of this week, students will be able to:
• Describe why mentors are essential to achieving your calling
• Identify and analyze the 5 P’s of personal networking
I. Key Messages for this week (Harris, 2021):
• It’s not what you know, sometimes, as who you know
• The people who get the best jobs are the people who know how to get the job done,
and not always the most qualified candidate.
• Learn to benefit from your contacts.
• Set a goal to increase your contacts by one per week which translates to 52 new
contacts per year. Keep your contacts organized and active.
II. Course materials for this week (Harris, 2021):
A. Watch the following YouTube videos:
1. “Don’t Be Afraid to A.S.K.” by Career Edge
2. “Tools and tips on Email Etiquette”
B. Read: “The 5 P’s of personal networking”. Copy and paste the link below to
read the blog on this topic.
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C. Week 5 Assignment #1: To clarify this point and assess your network, complete
the following interesting and informative exercise to evaluate your current spheres
of influence, that is, who it is you choose to associate with and how they impact
your life… positively or negatively.
KG689 Graduate Internship Preparation
Lesson Plan: Week 5
Dr. D. Tennyson, DBA
Effective Communication & Networking
For this assignment, create a blank Word Doc and:
1. Make a list of the family members, friends, co-workers and any other contacts
with whom you interact the most or with whom you typically spend the majority
of your time.
2. Put a “+” next to each person who inspires, encourages or builds you up as a
person. Put a “-” beside every person who is toxic – people who complain,
spread rumors, act negatively, have a poor attitude, find the bad in people,
whine and criticize your dreams and aspirations.
3. If you cannot determine which category to place the person in, put a question
4. Evaluate the list after you think of as many people as possible.
5. Upload this document as your assignment and make a commitment to reduce
spending time with the people who have a “-” next to their name.
By following through on this assignment, you now have a blueprint as to which
people in your life will truly help you attain your goals and objectives, and which
people may be along for the ride.
D. Week 5 Quiz 1: Fill in the blanks by matching the vocabulary words to the
Vocabulary Words
1. Speak
2. Money
3. Profit
4. Misunderstandings
5. Send
6. Receive
7. Rapport
8. Communicate
You are sending message to others even when you don’t ___________.
Employers are in business to make ___________.
This is called making a ___________.
Poor communication causes ___________ with others.
To communicate is to ___________ messages to others.
KG689 Graduate Internship Preparation
Lesson Plan: Week 5
Dr. D. Tennyson, DBA
Effective Communication & Networking
In order to properly communicate you must also be able to ___________
messages from others.
If you communicate poorly with coworkers, you may develop bad ___________
with them.
Your ability to get and keep a job will strongly depend on your ability to
KG689 Graduate Internship Preparation
Lesson Plan: Week 5
Dr. D. Tennyson, DBA
Effective Communication & Networking
Harris, R. M. (2021). Sections and Assignments Developed by Dr. Roberta M. Harris,
Associate Vice President, King Graduate School, Monroe College