Yanomami Mami
Institution Affiliation
When the segment begins with the son describing life without a mother, I felt enraged, and I could not understand why a mother would leave her child and husband just like that. I believe a mother is an important figure who should always be there for her children. I felt enraged because the son spoke so passionately, and I could feel how different his life was without his mother. However, after listening to the entire segment, I understood why the woman left her husband ad child. It was not intentional neglect, but she was not ready, and their cultural differences were a significant factor.
I do not think it was morally right for the anthropologist to marry a fifteen-year-old girl. Although he defended himself by saying in the girl’s culture, they were considered full-grown women, from where he was from, she was still a minor, and he should have waited until she reached legal age, as it was in his culture. After marrying her, he made the right decision to bring her to New Jersey so that she could become more exposed andalso, they could unite as a family. They could not stay in the village because David had school and work, although he was currently studying in their village.
I view this story as a true manifestation of how cultural differences can significantly affect a family as a social unit. Also, these differences can make people make unfit decisions, such as when the anthropologist marries a fifteen-year-oldgirlbecause they are considered mature in her culture. It also depicts the significant stressorsthat can occur, especially in children, due to separation and the absence of their parents. I think I am an ethical relativist because moral truths might vary from one culture to another, such as between David’s mother’s and father’s cultures.