After being so successful at your internship, you decided to pursue a career in HIT.
- Using online career sites (e.g., indeed.com or jobmine.himss.org https://jobmine.himss.org/jobs/) or any other healthcare career site, locate a position for the healthcare CIO and discuss the required academic qualifications, experience, and other desired/required characteristics. Assess your candidacy for this position using career toolson CareerQuest at the UMGC. Develop a plan to close the gaps necessary to meet the position requirements.
- Chief Information Officer (CIO) is a term used in IT for an official who oversees the functions of collecting, processing, and presenting information of the organization to top management for making informed business decisions. The same concept is used in healthcare. However, the information collected and used in healthcare organizations differs the normal business information.
In a tabulated two-column format compare functions/responsibilities of CIOs for the routine business organizations and healthcare organizations. Determine which responsibilities of the CIO are different in healthcare and business organizations? Assess if they are more critical in healthcare than the business organizations and why. Support your viewpoints with arguments and/or real-life examples (if you work in healthcare).
All supportive evidence should be formatted in APA 7
Deliverables by midnight in weekending. (no late submissions are accepted):
Plan to close the developmental gaps for CIO position
Comparison of CIO in HC and Business organization in a tabular/narrative format