
Sibling abuse has only recently started receiving scholarly attention, though it is the most common type of family violence (Wallace & Roberson, 2017). Abuse and aggression by children towards caregivers is less common, but still prevalent in that 51% of juveniles adjudicated for domestic assault have victimized a parent or caregiver (Hong, Kral, Espelage, & Allen-Meares, 2012). Parricide, caregiver homicide committed by adolescent or adult children, is the least frequent of all, with adult children making up the clear majority of these perpetrators (Malmquist, 2010).

Forensic psychology professionals in numerous roles are often faced with investigating family violence, conducting risk assessments, and making recommendations to the court for service delivery plans for perpetrators and victims. In this Assignment, you analyze knowledge about the features of family members who are typically involved as perpetrators, victims, or both in each type of family violence covered this week. You also analyze similarities and differences in these features. You then propose a plan to gather additional knowledge about one of the three types of family violence.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Read the Learning Resources about sibling abuse, caregiver abuse, and parricide. Identify re-occurring themes across these types of family violence and ways in which they differ. Identify the type of family violence among these three that most interests you and outline a plan to gather more information that you believe would assist a forensic psychology professional in recognizing and intervening in this form of family violence.

The Assignment: 4 page

Based on scholarly references:

  • Identify and explain themes and features, such as perpetrator, family, or victim characteristics, that seem to be common to all three types of family violence: sibling abuse, caregiver abuse, and parricide.
  • Identify and explain themes and features that differ among these types of family violence.
  • Consider the roles and responsibilities of forensic psychology professionals. Pick the type of family violence among the three that interests you the most and that would be professionally relevant. Identify features of this type of violence with limited or no information. Explain why you think a forensic psychology professional would need more information about these features.
    • For example: In parricide, little is known about the victims of parricide. Information about the victims characteristics, as well as their relationships with the perpetrator and other family members, could assist case workers in identifying families at risk of parricide [further explain why . . . ].
  • Describe how you would conduct a scholarly literature review to gather more information about the features that you have identified.








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