
NUMBER 1 upload name as Lab 3
Net Primary Productivity
Section 1
Go to https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/global-maps/MOD17A2_M_PSN
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1. What do negative net primary productivity values mean?
Use the arrows that accompany the map to play the animation.
2. The northern part of South America has high positive net primary productivity year round. Why?
3. In the United States, the net primary productivity is lower in the Southwest than in the Northeast year round. Why?

Go to NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory at https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/
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to see Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide.
4. How do monthly mean CO2 concentrations change over the course of one year at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawai’i? Explain this pattern.

Changes in Global Forest Cover
Section 2
Go to http://http://earthenginepartners.appspot.com
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to see the Global Forest Change map.
5. How are trees defined there?
6. What is meant by “Forest Cover Loss”? By “Forest Cover Gain”?
Click on “Data Products” and choose “Loss/Extent/Gain (Red/Green/Blue)” from its menu.
7. In what ranges of latitudes are most forests found? Why? (Think about the general circulation of air and global precipitation patterns. Refer to Figures 5-24, 5-25, and 6-35).
8. Which areas show the greatest amount of forest loss? What major biomes are located in those areas?
In the “Example Locations” menu, choose “Deforestation in Paraguay” and click on “Zoom to area.” Use the following “Data Products” to answer the questions that follow: “Forest Cover Loss 2000-2016 (Transparent)”; “Forest Cover Gain 2000-2012 (Transparent)”; “2000 Percent Tree Cover (Transparent).”
9. How does forest loss compare with forest gain here?
10. Zoom in three levels and pan around northern Paraguay. Use the graphic scale in the map to visually gain a sense of the size of the forest clearings in northern and western Paraguay. Approximately how large are they? What does the size and shape of the clearings tell you about the type of economic activity practiced here? Hint: Read the description at the bottom right hand column.
In the “Example Locations” menu, choose “Finnish and Russian Forestry” and click on “Zoom to area.” Use the following “Data Products” to answer the questions that follow: “Forest Cover Loss 2000-2016 (Transparent)”; “Forest Cover Gain 2000-2012 (Transparent)”; “2000 Percent Tree Cover (Transparent).”
11. How does forest loss compare with forest gain here in the Finnish and Russian sides?
12. Zoom in five levels and pan around the area. Use the graphic scale in the map to visually gain a sense of the size of the forest clearings in Finland and/or Russia. Approximately how large are they? What does their size, shape and amount of forest loss/gain tell you about the type of economic activity practiced here? How does this compare to the situation in Paraguay? Hint: Read the description at the bottom right hand column.

NUMBER 2 upload name as learning the past concept
After going through the Interactive website, submit your answers to the questions here!

Interactive Website: Using the Scientific Methods to Study Human Evolution
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● What is the principle of Superposition?
● What is the principle of Association?
● What does it mean to say that fossils were deposited at the same time?
● What is radiocarbon dating? Radiopotassium dating?
● What is a testable question? (use one of the examples in the interactive to explain what a testable question is).
● How are scientists able to be confident in their conclusions? (use one of the examples in the interactive to explain how scientists gain confidence in their conclusions)

NUMBER 3 name as week 7 discussion
Week 7 Discussion – Benefits of oocyte cryopreservation (egg-freezing)?
For the past several decades, medical advances in fertility treatments such as artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, and ovum transfer have helped many previously infertile couples to conceive. With advances in technology, even healthy women nowadays are given the option to “freeze” their eggs for later use.
Several years ago companies such as Facebook, Apple, and Goggle started providing their female employees with up to $20,000 to freeze their eggs. It is not surprising that this decision has sparked much discussion.

Please read the following article in “The Business Insider”which was published on September 17, 2017. The article is called “What you need to know about egg-freezing, the hot new perk at Google, Apple, and Facebook”AND the Bloomberg Law titled “Employer-Subsidized Egg Freezing Benefits — Who Really Pays?” written by Lauren Geisser.
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Who Really Pays?
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Here is a CNBC video titled “Egg Freezing and the Future of Reproduction” (9:41 min) and the start-up companies focused on women’s reproduction:
CNBC News: Egg-freezing and Women’s Reproduction
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This is an article from Yale Medicine called “Is Egg-Freezing Right for You?” It was published on May 29, 2019.
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Lasly, please read the following article published in The New York Times on August 29, 2018. The title of the article is “These Companies Really, Really, Really Want Your Eggs.”

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If you cannot access this NY Times article on egg-freezing, then please refer to this other article from Vogue magazine about millennials and egg-freezing.
(Links to an external site.)

After reading these articles and watching this video, what do you think of companies like Google, Facebook, Apple, and Uber for providing this benefit to their female employees? Is this the wave of the future and should other companies follow suit?
Do you see this health benefit as providing more options and advantages for their female employees? Or do you perceive this benefit as being more detrimental in the long run? Or both?
What do you think about the start-up companies which are aimed at women’s health? Are you concerned by these companies making billions of dollars off of women’s health issues OR are they providing health services that have long been ignored? Do you have concerns regarding social justice issues?
According to the second article, what do you think about the increase in the number of women who are opting to freeze their eggs (“in 2009, 475 women froze their eggs, according to the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART). By 2016, that number was 7,276”). The author goes on to say that “that figure, however, does not differentiate between women who freeze their eggs for what are called “social” or “elective” reasons and those that are “medically necessary.” Do you think that this is a problem? Or is this no one’s business the reason(s) that a woman decides to freeze her eggs?
Lastly what do you think about egg-freezing clinics targeting millennials? Are they putting pressure on millennials to secure their future OR are they concerned about women not “missing” this window of opportunity?
If you feel comfortable, then you can share observations of others or a personal experience. Of course this is not required!

As a gentle reminder, this is not an easy discussion topic and we most likely will have different perspectives surrounding these issues. We can agree to disagree, but please do so in a respectful manner.

Your answer should be approximately 1/2 page, single-spaced. Your response to a classmate’s answer should also be approximately the same length.

NUMBER 4 upload name as writing assignment

For Week 7 (focusing on Chapter 9 — Development), there are TWO questions that you are required to answer.

** Your answer for EACH question should be approximately 350 words. If your responses are too brief, then your writing assignment will be marked down. **

1. Are children shaped mostly by their parents? According to Diana Baumrind and Eleanor Maccoby, the answer is yes. Baumrind & Maccoby have defined four different types of parenting styles. They are authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved parenting styles. They also found that these specific parenting styles lead to particular behaviors in their children. Read about these different styles in your textbook.
a) Please explain what type of style(s) that your parent(s) used on you and give specific examples from your childhood and adolescence years regarding your parents’ styles.
b) In addition, discuss the behavioral outcomes from these parenting styles & whether you turned out as Baumrind and Maccoby would have predicted. If you did NOT “turn out” as predicted by researchers, then what may account for this discrepancy? Please explain.
c) Finally, what do you think about their parenting theory and their effects on children?
* If you are not comfortable describing your parents’ styles and discussing how you turned out, then you are welcome to write about another person (e.g., peer, friend, relative).

2. According to the Alzheimer’s Association website, “dementia is not a specific disease. It’s an overall term that describes a group of symptoms associated with a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to reduce a person’s ability to perform everyday activities. Alzheimer’s disease
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accounts for 60 to 80 percent of cases” (www.alz.org). It is reported that 50 million people suffer worldwide from dementia (https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/dementia).
There are many treatments for individuals who have been diagnosed with dementia ranging from behavioral treatments to medications. However a less well-known treatment is reminiscence therapy (RT). For the past decade or so, this type of therapy has been used with the elderly population, particularly those who have dementia.
In 2009, a miniature city was built in the Netherlands to helps those who suffer from dementia. It is called “Hogeweyk” and has been dubbed “dementia village.” It is a nursing home where individuals actually reside in the “village.”
Please read the following article called “Inside the Dutch ‘dementia village’ that offers beer, bingo, and top-notch healthcare” from “Business Insider” about “Hogeweyk.”
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Here’s a YouTube video on this dementia village, Hogeweyk (23:47 minutes)

Last year in August 2018, Glenner Town Square opened to the public in San Diego. It is a 9,000 square foot mini-town set back in the 1950’s and 1960’s. The purpose is to give some comfort to those who suffer from dementia as they are transported back to their childhood or early adult years. You can read more about Glenner Town Square in the article below.

Please read the following AARP article published on December 7, 2018 called “Re-Created 1950s City Helps to Ease Dementia’s Grasp.”
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Please watch this YouTube video on Glenner Town Square (6:20 minutes).

a) What are your initial thoughts about these two dementia facilities?
b) What do you think of the set-up at the Netherlands village (e.g., nursing residential facility) as compared to the San Diego Town Square (e.g., day visit)? Do you like the Hogeweyk village better than Glenner Town Square or vice-versa? If so, then why?
c) Do you have any concerns regarding these facilities? Please explain.
d) If you were afflicted with dementia, would you want to be taken to either of these facilities?



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