First complete this survey
Second, review these Three PowerPoints (I broke the presentation into 3 parts so that the file does not become too large):
Third – Assess yourself — Are You A Principle Centered Leader?
In chapter 1 of Principle-Centered Leadership (Covey, 1991), Covey lists the following characteristics of principle-centered leaders. They strive to live out the Seven Habits: Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind, Put First things First, Think Win-Win, Seek first to Understand than be Understood, Synergize, and Sharpen the Saw.
Principle Centered Leadership is practiced from the inside-out on four levels: Personal (relationship with self), Interpersonal (relationship with others), managerial (responsibility to get things done with others), organizational (responsibility to recruit, train, compensate a team, create strategies, structure and systems to accomplish goals).
As per Seven Habits they live by the compass not the clock. Correct Principles are like a compass: they are always pointing the way. Principles are self-evident, self-validating natural laws, such as the Law of the Harvest.
- PCLs are continually learning. They learn from experience, they read, seek training, take classes, listen, and learn both through their ears and eyes. (Proverbs 16:16).
- PCLs are service-oriented. They “yoke up” every morning and put on the harness of service. (Matthew 20:26-27)
- PCLs radiate positive energy. They are cheerful, pleasant, happy. Their attitudes are optimistic, positive, upbeat, enthusiastic, hopeful, believing. (Galatians 5:22-23)
- PCLs believe in other people. They are not naive, but they do not overreact to the negative behaviors of others, rather they realize the unseen potential of every human. (Colossians 3:13-14).
- PCLs lead balanced lives. They feel their own worth without having to brag, they think in terms of continuums not all-or-nothing, their actions and attitudes are proportionate to the situation. (I Corinthians 9:25,Proverbs 25:16, 28)
- PCLs see life as an adventure. They are like courageous explorers going on an expedition into unchartered territories and their security lies in they initiative, resourcefulness, creativity, willpower, and courage. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
- PCLs are synergistic. They build on their strengths and strive to complement their weaknesses with the strengths of others. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12).
- PCLs exercise for self-renewal. As per the Seventh Habit-Sharpen the Saw, PCLs renew body, mind, social, and spirit. (Romans 12:1-2, I Corinthians 6:15a).
Reference: Covey, S.R. (1991). Principle Centered Leadership. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.
(Scripture references provided by Dr Percy)
1. Which of these characteristics do you consistently demonstrate?
2. Which of these are a struggle for you?
3. What action steps can you take to improve in these areas?
4. What step will you take this week?
Fourth, assess yourself on how well you live the Seven Habits? Which habit is a struggle for you and which habit do you feel most confident about? (You should complete the Seven Habits survey included below).