- Yoder-Wise, P. S. (2015). Leading and Managing in Nursing (6th ed.). Mosby, an imprint of Elsevier.
- Chapters 1 – 4, 10, & 28 – 29
- (2021). AONL nurse leader competencies. Nurse Leaders | AONL.
- American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
- Use as a guide for writing in current APA format.
- As part of your readings in this module, please also review the following:
- The Role of the Nurse Manager (10:14)
AHRQ Patient Safety. (2015, April 29). CUSP: The Role of the Nurse Manager [Video file].
Online Materials & Resources
- To access the following article please register on . Registration is free of charge.
Sherman, R. O. (2012). What followers want in their nurse leaders? American Nurse Today, 7(9). - American Organization for Nursing Leadership. (2021). Nurse leaders.
- Visit the CINAHL Complete under the A-to-Z Databases on the website and locate/read the articles below:
- McSherry, R. (2012). The pivotal role of nurse managers, leaders and educators in enabling excellence in nursing care. Journal of Nursing Management, 20(1), 7-19.
- Young, J. (2015). Leading nursing into the future: Development of a strategic nursing platform on a system level. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 39(3), 239-246.
- Thomas-Hawkins, C., Flynn, L., Lindgren, T. G., & Weaver, S. (2015). Nurse manager safety practices in outpatient hemodialysis units. Journal of Nephrology Nursing, 42(2), 125-133, 134, 147. 2.
- Bjarnasom, D., & LaSala, C. A. (2011). Moral leadership. Journal of Radiology Nursing, 30(1), 18-24.
- Allen, D. (2016). The importance, challenges and prospects of taking work practices into account for health care quality improvement: Nursing work and patient status at a glance. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 30(4), 99-108.
Based on your reading and personal experience, share your perception of 3 attributes of a leader and 3 attributes of a manager. Based on your experience, have your direct supervisors been leaders, manager or both? Provide examples to support your assessment.
Submission Instructions:
- Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.
Leadership Disc 1