
The purpose of this assignment is to complete a critical self-reflection of your current leadership strengths and areas for further development. The assignment consists of conducting a self-assessment of leadership attributes important for you and supported by evidence-based literature. It also includes the development of your personal mission and vision statement and development of a plan for your leadership development.

  1. Assessment of your leadership attributes and skills both strengths as well as areas that would benefit from focused development. Describe how you determined your strengths and areas requiring development (which assessment tools did you use and what is your analysis of your results).

You will complete the Student Leadership Practices Inventory (SLPI) and at least three other external leadership assessment tools, one of which should be focused on conflict management. Your paper should include your analysis of the results from the assessment tools. Do not include the actual completed tools in your paper.

  1. A mission (brief description of your purpose) andvision statement (a brief description of your desired future) for yourself as a nurse leader.
  2. Based on your leadership assessment and vision and mission statement, outline a plan for your leadership development. This plan should include both short-term (within the next six months) as well as longer term goals for your development as a leader. The goals should not be focused on your career goals but rather should be focused specifically on leadership skill development. These may be related to your ability to achieve broader career goals you might have. Use the SMART goal criteria (specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and timely) to develop your short and long term goals. A minimum of three goals should be identified
  3. Describe the outcome for each of your goals. How will you measure achievement of each goal? How will you evaluate your progress towards your goals?
  4. What will your practice and professional life look like in three to five years.

This paper should be 5-8 pages and include at least four scholarly references in addition to the references for the assessment tools you decide to use and required readings. APA (7th ed.) format should be used for this paper. A table may be used to capture your leadership development plan with your SMART goals, outcomes and evaluation plan for each goal. NOTE – no right/wrong answers on your assessment. Thoughtfulness and insights are most important. Total grade reflects your ability to complete a useful, clear self-assessment with a robust development plan and evaluation schema. Your paper is due by Saturday July 30, 2022.

Possible tools to use for personal assessment

These tools are all available for free at the website listed. There are a number of free tools available on the internet and a number that have a fee associated with them. You are not limited to these tools, you can use other tools that you may find, tools that you have previously completed or tools that you purchase because of a strong interest in a particular area (e.g. Strength Finders or Myers-Briggs).

Conflict Management Style Assessment

http://www.blake-group.com/sites/default/files/assessments/Conflict_Management_Styles_Assessment.pdf (Links to an external site.)

What is your conflict management style?

https://quiz.tryinteract.com/#/5abec210dfbc8e0014bd665a (Links to an external site.)

What’s Your Conflict Resolution Strategy

https://psychologia.co/conflict-resolution/ (Links to an external site.)

How Good Are Your Leadership Skills?

https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_50.htm (Links to an external site.)


Your Leadership Legacy

http://www.yourleadershiplegacy.com/assessment/assessment.php (Links to an external site.)


Leadership DNA

https://www.mtdtraining.com/leaderdna (Links to an external site.)

Leadership Compass

https://www.bethechangeconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Leadership-compass-self-assessment.pdf (Links to an external site.)

Leadership Blindspot

http://princetonmc.com/wp-content/uploads/leadership_blindspots_survey.pdf (Links to an external site.)

High5 Test

https://high5test.com/personality-test-for-individuals/ (Links to an external site.)

Make A Dent Leadership – Has a number of self-assessments, a few are listed below

https://www.makeadentleadership.com/leadership-quizzes-self-assessments/ (Links to an external site.)

Manager to High Performance Leadership Self-Assessment

https://www.makeadentleadership.com/leadership-self-assessment/ (Links to an external site.)

High Performance Delegation

https://www.makeadentleadership.com/delegation-quiz/ (Links to an external site.)

Performance Juxtaposition Has a number of self-assessments (http://knowledgejump.com/index.html (Links to an external site.)), a few are listed below

Servant Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire

http://knowledgejump.com/leader/servant_leadership_survey.html (Links to an external site.)

Leadership Matrix Survey

http://knowledgejump.com/leader/matrix.html (Links to an external site.)

SMART Goals Resource

Here are two examples of a smart goal related to leadership:

  • By the end of December, I will improve my listening skills in our unit based council by using active listening strategies to demonstrate to my peers that I value what they are saying during meetings. I will do this by asking open-ended questions, requesting clarification, maintaining open body language and not looking at my phone.
  • I will join one hospital or shared governance committee by the end of the year related to my interest in patient education to increase my network of peers with this interest.

Here is a video that describes Smart Goals if you haven’t used that format before:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4IU-y9-J8Q (Links to an external site.)
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