Examine the legal aspects of record keeping and provide expert testimony. As part of your examination, address the following items: 1100 words
- Analyze the ethical issues related to documenting informed consent and ethical release of treatment and assessment records.
- Which enforceable standards are relevant to the release of treatment-related materials and disclosure of information arising out of treatment?
- Provide specific examples of what each enforceable standard requires or prohibits.
- Provide a rationale for your proposed actions in your example and why they are consistent with ethical guidelines.
- Evaluate the legal issues associated with assessment, testing, and diagnosis documentation in professional psychology.
- What specific legal issues can arise in documenting assessment, testing, and diagnosis?
- Provide specific examples that support your evaluation.
- Provide a rationale for your proposed actions in your example and why they are consistent with legal requirements.
Legal and Ethical Standards in the Workplace.